Asthma Pt.2

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Hiro had officially reached a point of no return. He felt like he had half a foot in limbo and the other through death's front door as he stumbled through the halls to a less populated part of the university; the wing where all the labs were. A distant buzzing was all he needed to know that he had the right door when he heaved against the metal and entered the familiar work space. Knowing the risk of stumbling through an active lab with his eyes closed, Hiro yawned wheezily and worked his palms into his eye sockets for a moment.

He braved a light cough and lifted his head, desperately trying to suppress those that followed as he surveyed the room. Several students he hadn't met yet were quietly performing small experiments- the one he'd seen the first time testing out some cat boosters still working hard in his little corner of the room. If he'd been any more energetic Hiro might have smiled at the innocent memories the elder man's efforts brought to him. He distinctly remembered the feeling of joy he'd experienced upon watching a very shocked Mochi take flight for the first time. Lifting his head to the skies and releasing a quiet whoop of excitement he hadn't noticed the animal's quick journey to Tadashi's side of the room back then.

Yeah, he'd gotten in quite a bit of trouble for that one.

Covering his mouth and forcing himself to hold his breath he searched the room for any of 5 different familiar figures. When he saw none, the young prodigy shuffled across the lab. He cast a longing look at Fred's arm chair, allured even despite the grease stains and less than appealing smell. But he was afraid that if he slept outside someone- if not one of Tadashi's friends then Tadashi himself- would find him and that would just be straight up embarrassing. Hiro knew too well the risks sleeping in public even when his lungs weren't threatening to close up on him. When he was as tired as he felt right now he had a tendency to snore in his sleep. Tadashi told him he was loud, like a boar, and Aunt Cass said he sounded like a sleeping kitten.

Hiro found he wasn't terribly fond of either these things.

With one last sluggish glance around the lab the youngest Hamada slipped into his brother's personal workspace and almost immediately dropped his bag on the floor. He'd been keeping two of his jackets in his backpack until now but with no couch in sight he reached for them. Ripping them out of his bag and bundling them up under his arms he tottered over to a pleather chair at Tadashi's desk. Dumping his cargo he sat in the chair and vigorously suppressed the urge to lean back and pass out. He knew he'd only end up feeling worse when he woke up so he reached out and pulled at a drawer, fishing around for the painkillers he knew Tadashi hoarded.

It felt like he'd discovered gold when his quivering fingers wrapped around the plastic bottle and he pulled it out, popped the cap, and poured two capsules into his hand. He took them dry and returned the bottle with little thought. Finally leaning back in his seat Hiro attempted to release a long sigh of contentment as his muscles were finally given a moment to relax

An instant later he regretted this as he once again erupted into a fit of savage coughs. He could taste blood in his mouth, probably from a torn throat or something, and salty phlegm that he was too tired to really do anything about. Curling up into the chair as best he could he bundled the two thin jackets to form a makeshift pillow and snuggled in. In any other case the tight position he presently had would have been uncomfortable but Hiro was so tired that just the simple act of laying down felt like heaven on Earth.

Only twenty minutes, he promised himself, setting an alarm on his phone and trying not to pant, just enough rest to give my body a bit of a boost. I'll fill in the rest of my exhaustion with an energy drink and then go to class after.

Within moments he could feel himself drifting off, stuck in a blurred reality filled with the faint echoes of distant sound, the equally distant ache of his muscles and stinging throat, as well as every other problem he was suffering. He must have been literally seconds away from passing out when the door opened with an exceptionally loud bang.

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