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Luke wrapped his fingers a little more tightly around the grip of the lightsaber, just like Vader had taught him. He raised the blade in time to counter the blow aimed vaguely for his neck. Finally, Vader had agreed to resume his training after days of highly useless bedrest that Luke had refused to abide by most of the time anyway.

Vader swung the lightsaber in a wide arch over his head, locking blades with Luke and pushing him back, but Luke managed to hold his own.

"You have improved a lot, Highness," Vader said, when he broke off. "I believe it is time for you to go up against a training droid. It will provide you with some much-needed dueling practice."

Luke looked doubtfully up at Vader. He was incredibly nervous at the prospect of fighting one of them. Vader had once let him watch his own training, declaring it would be beneficial for Luke to see it. Vader had dueled three of them at the same time, each holding two lightsabers. Luke had knelt at the edge of the room not daring to move, knowing that the droids honed in on any moving target.

In awe Luke had watched Vader turn and twist as he met the six blades swinging at him with precise and harsh blocks. But even for Vader's masterful skills, it hadn't been an easy duel. It had taken him a long time to dispose of the droids slowly, one by one. Luke doubted that he could ever get to that level.

"I don't know if-"

"I am confident that you can do it," Vader said brusquely, brushing off Luke's doubts, before he could properly voice them.

Vader activated the droid with a flick of the force. The droid's visual receptors lit up with an eerie blue light. It scanned the room before its eyes focused on Luke. Luke raised his blade. The blue-lit eye sockets turned red as it finished its computation of its combatant, and without hesitation it charged, engaging the single red lightsaber that it clutched in its mechanical hand.

It swung the blade at him with considerably more speed than Vader had during their earlier sparring. Luke managed to block it and the blades met, humming fiercely. Luke was forced back, blocking with every step.

But another two strikes of the red blade and he was on the ground, caught off balance by the sheer force of the droid's attacks. Luke rolled back as it darted forward to land a deadly blow. Narrowly, he managed to get back to his feet. He ducked under the next swing aimed for his head. There was a sharp sizzle as the very ends of his hair got caught by the red lightsaber.

Luke's eyes widened in fear and his heart pounded as the red saber swung in his direction again, the sharp stench of burnt hair biting in his nose. Luke stared fearfully at the glowing blade in the droid's hand, twirling so fast that it appeared as a deadly humming red circle.

"Stop, please," Luke gasped, jumping narrowly to the side to avoid the next blow that might be the last.

Vader relented and the droid deactivated mid-swing.

"I can't do it," Luke forced out in between heaving breaths. "This is too much."

"It isn't. You fail because you fear the droid. Master your fear. Hone and focus it and use it to conquer. You will try again."

Luke launched himself at the droid when it was reactivated. He landed two swift blows on the droid's lightsaber, forcing it back a couple of steps. But that was about as far as he made it. The droid retaliated with a particularly harsh blow and their blades locked. Luke pushed with all he had, leaving him vulnerable for the droid's powerful kick. It hit him square in the chest, and Luke was on the floor again. The impact drove the wind from his lungs.

Vader deactivated the droid again, while Luke clutched the aching spot on his chest

"Pathetic," Vader snarled. "Get back to your feet."

Just some cute Bighero6 fluff/smut -NOW- with star wars father Vader :)Where stories live. Discover now