-Star wars-

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Admiral Piett straightened his uniform. He rapped on the doorframe of the door to the small meeting room that had been repurposed as the prince's dining area. The door stood open, but prince seemed too preoccupied to notice him. He was absorbed in a datapad leaned against the mug on his food tray. Piett cleared his throat.

"Your Highness?"

The prince finally looked up from the datapad.

"Admiral, I didn't expect you," he said.

"Apologies for interrupting your meal."

"Please, your visit is always welcome. It gets lonely to eat without company all the time," Prince Luke replied. An indignant beep sounded from the floor. "Sorry, Emsee. I meant without human company," the boy added quickly.

Piett peeked around the table. On the ground, at the prince's feet, sat the small mouse droid that Piett that delivered here personally in the aftermath of the prince's stay on the brig and Vader's inexplicable generous period. It reminded him of that nerve-wracking time. Piett was relieved that Vader had given up hounding his young charge and returned to his cool ignoring of the young prince residing on board. It was healthier this way. For himself, but mostly for the Prince of Alderaan. Piett couldn't fathom the Dark Lord's short lived yet intense interest in the boy, but whatever he had expected in return, Piett was sure that if the prince would have refused it, he soon would have suffered the consequences.

"I can imagine. You seem very fond of the droid," Piett said. It was a stark difference form the boy's pointed disregard of the little droid when Piett had brought it here.

The prince's open, amiable face fell and he gave him a cool stare.

"So what?" he asked, sounding uncharacteristically defensive. "Will you now take it away again?"

Piett raised his hands reassuringly. "That is not what I am here for. Why do you think it would be removed again?"

"It's not like I can't hear the guards demand for Emsee to be removed."

"I assure you, Highness. No one will remove the droid from your quarters. If anyone attempts to do so, inform me."

The prince relaxed marginally.

"In fact, I came to give you something." Piett held out the small parcel. "It's not a present, it is yours anyway. But it was taken from you wrongfully."

The prince eyed the parcel with interest now. He took it, and opened it. The small pendant fell into his hand, freshly cleaned and the defect locking mechanism repaired, courtesy of General Veers who had taken it upon himself to track down a mechanic on board with the required skillset to repair such a delicate object.

The prince looked at it with disbelieve. "I... I didn't think I would see it again. Thank you," he said, visibly moved.

"There is no need to thank me. In fact, I wish to extend an apology to you. It shouldn't have been taken from you in the first place. You might want to know, that the one responsible for taking it has been reprimanded and relieved of his duty."

Prince Luke closed his fist around the small pendant.

"I imagine that it is of great personal value to you," Piett said.

The prince looked at him, eying him with a slight frown. "You opened it," he stated. It was not a question.

Piett hesitated, but he couldn't bring himself to lie to the boy. "I did. Apologies, Highness. I shouldn't have done so."

"No offense taken, Admiral," Prince Luke reassured him.

The prince stood up from the table. Piett eyed the plate on the tray. Maybe an old habit from the early days of the prince's captivity.

Just some cute Bighero6 fluff/smut -NOW- with star wars father Vader :)Where stories live. Discover now