-Star Wars-

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Admiral Piett dreaded in what constitution he would find the prince. He hadn't been personally present to witness what had happened, but he had heard more than he wanted to know. The Emperor had finally made good on his threat and Vader had tortured the Prince for the boy's father to witness over the holocom. The prince had been dragged back to his quarters in a sorry state and unable to walk on his own.

Vader had shown the boy no mercy.

All the more, Piett had been surprised to receive the order from Vader this morning to have a medic check on the boy. He had wasted no time in fetching the chief medical officer of the Executor , determined to make this potentially only time the prince would be allowed treatment count.

The man had been visibly annoyed by the request to check on a patient outside the comfort of his medbay and realm of influence, but after some arguing and explanations, he had packed a GH-1 medical analysis droid to maximum capacity with equipment. It followed them into the waiting turbo lift.

"Sir, I will need further information about my patient."

"Ah, yes. You will have to keep this confidential, but I have compiled some information about him here."

Piett handed him a datapad. The man skimmed through the contents, his frown deepening the further he got.

"Human, sixteen standard years." The medic looked up. "Sixteen?"


"And they used what exactly against him?"

"A SoroSuub Controller FP force pike," Piett supplied, hoping that his own disapproval wasn't showing in his voice.

The medic looked supremely indignant. "I am familiar with the model. In this case, I strongly recommend moving the patient to the medbay immediately, regardless of the outcome of my examination. The medium and long-term effects of force pikes on even healthy, adult specimens are unpredictable and-"

"That is not possible," Piett said.

"He is my patient."

"First of all he is Lord Vader's... charge, and Lord Vader decreed that he must remain in his dedicated quarters."

The turbolift stopped and they emerged into the corridor leading to the boy's area. While they waited for the door to be unlocked, Piett thought it wise to raise a sensitive subject with the medic.

"Listen, the patient is the crown prince of Alderaan and as such has to be addressed with respect and his due title. You will find however that he is quite friendly and cooperative-" Piett began.

The door hissed open and revealed the prince. He was strolling over to his couch, the little mouse droid at his heel as usual. He stopped in his tracks and turned his head at the opening door to regard his visitors. Piett could hear a sharp intake of breath from the man next to him.

"What do you think you are doing?" the medic thundered without preamble, no trace of any of the requested deference in his voice.

The prince stood comically frozen in his tracks. "I... uh..."

"Why are you not in bed?"

"I- I don't need to-" the prince stuttered.

"Yes, you do. You will immediately go to bed and stay there."

The prince threw a look at Piett, pleading for help and Piett tried unsuccessfully to stifle his grin.

"But I'm fine-" the boy argued, trailing off as the man bore down on him. Up close Piett could see the veins on the man's neck swell.

Just some cute Bighero6 fluff/smut -NOW- with star wars father Vader :)Where stories live. Discover now