SW oneshot

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It was late into the pilots' sleep cycle, but Luke was still staring at the small unmarked datapad in his hands. He sat crosslegged on the top bunk he usually occupied, Wedge snoring away in the lower, after he had given up his complaints for Luke to finally drop his task and go to sleep.

But Luke couldn't, he needed to find out, what was behind this. He and Wedge had returned from their latest patrol flight, ready to crash on their bunks to catch some much needed sleep before the next tough day's duty, when Luke had found a small black datapad sitting innocently on his pillow. He had no idea how it had gotten there, nor had he yet an idea what it contained. It was encrypted and no matter how much Luke concentrated or which codes he tried, he hadn't been able to make any sense of the garbled Aurebesh letters.

He was close to giving up and maybe handing it to some of the Alliance's code breakers. True their job was to try and break Imperial encryptions, but maybe they would have some spare time to look into this, too. No, Luke shook his head to chase away that thought. He had no idea where this datapad had come from and who had send it, so the content could be embarrassing should someone else read it. And there was also a decent chance one of the Rogue's was simply pulling his leg with this one.

Still an idea crept into Luke's mind. Well of he couldn't ask any of them to help him, he knew someone who wouldn't mind at all. His mind made up, Luke clambered as silently as he could from his bunk, as not to wake Wedge. His bare feet touched to cool deck plates, but Luke didn't care, he was pretty sure his latest idea would yield some results, stupid of him not to think earlier of this.

He tiptoed silently into the corner of the small room where Artoo stood, powered down for the night. Luke placed a hand on the dome. "Artoo? Buddy, I need your help."

It took a moment and with a small indignant beep Artoo powered up, turning his dome to fix his lens on Luke. Luke smiled. "I need your help to decode this data, I just can't make sense of it myself. Do you think you can do it?" Luke asked and Artoo beeped affirmatively. Luke grinned. "You're a great pal, you know that?" He moved to plug in the datapad. For a while Artoo busied himself with trying to find the right encryption method to get a coherent text message out of the seemingly random array of letters.

After a few minutes Artoo turned to fix him again, sounding smug and berating for waking him up for a seemingly so easy task and he powered down again. Luke sighed. Well, if Artoo would still be miffed in the morning he could always try and make it up to him. Maybe changing his oil or taking him for a small joyride. Luke reached out, detaching the datapad, to finally read it. It just contained a short message of two lines followed by some numbers, Luke began to read.

Just a moment later the datapad fell from Luke's now badly shaking hand, landing with a clatter on the floor tiles.

"Luke, go the kriff to bed," Wedge groaned from the other side of the room annoyed into his pillow, but Luke couldn't bring himself even to answer. All blood had drained from his face and it felt like his stomach had been replaced with a bucket full of ice. With trembling hands Luke reached for the datapad again, turning it silently around to re-read the short message, hoping with all his might that he had somehow misread it the first time, but the text had of course remained the same.

Anakin Skywalker is alive and under my control. I am ready to exchange him alive and unharmed for you surrender. Come alone to the following coordinates.

The short text was followed by a small symbol, one he knew Darth Vader used.

Luke was pacing up and down the corridor outside the medbay, debating with himself if he should follow through with his plan or not.

He hadn't slept a single minute last night, completely unable to, as his mind ran in circles, mulling over the short message over and over. His father alive, it sounded unreal, he could not be alive. But whoever had sent the message certainly claimed so and in addition wanted to force Luke to exchange his own for his father's life.

Just some cute Bighero6 fluff/smut -NOW- with star wars father Vader :)Where stories live. Discover now