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Without words

Shinhye had never felt as terrible before. Yonghwa would not return her calls. He wouldn't answer any messages. He cut himself completely off from her these past few days, not giving her even the slightest chance to explain. She had somehow managed to step over his boundaries, which rarely happened. In fact, she could not remember him ever being this upset with her before. He had almost lost his temper with her last time they met and she knew how much he hated to lose control over a situation.

Distancing himself from her now was his natural reaction; it was his way of calming down first so he wouldn't get emotional during their next conversation. But given what she had to tell him, she knew that no amount of time could ever be enough to brave him for this type of news.

Shinhye saw now that she made a grave mistake by keeping him in the dark and she only realized how he must have felt these last few weeks now. She completely broke his trust, the one thing they valued above anything else. Honestly, she would have felt the exact same way about it, too. It must have been like a slap in the face for Yonghwa to slowly pick up on her lies. It most probably made him question the position he actually held in her life, wondering if they were still as close as before.

To Yonghwa it must have seemed like she was being deceitful to him for no apparent reason at all and of course this did not make any sense and frustrated him even if he tried to understand at first. Shinhye figured by his emotional reaction that Yonghwa must have been stressed out about her being dishonest for a while as he wasn't someone who lost his patience easily. It only occurred to her then that Joon and Yonghwa were close friends. Her colleague probably mentioned her condition before while they were working on the same project together. How stupid of her not to even consider that! She was really terrible at this lying game, especially when it came to Yonghwa, the one person she used to always be able to be herself around.

Yonghwa and Shinhye had never lied to each other before during the over ten years they knew each other. Instead they had always praised that there was nothing but honesty between them, claiming it was what made their friendship so very special. Truthfully, there had never been anything they needed to hide from each other in the past. Whatever it was, they would talk it through. That's how they usually worked. No lies, no misunderstandings, no drama. Now, in Yonghwa's eyes, she took the special part of their relationship away with her behavior and understandably this disappointed him severely.

If anything, Shinhye regretted starting with all the lies in first place. She should have just been honest about their one night stand and everything that followed instead of trying to cover it up. She had wanted to keep their friendship save but instead she had complicated their relationship on a whole new level. It was obvious that they had already reached the one point she originally wanted to avoid by now. At the time she didn't even imagine everything could turn out this way. Also she certainly didn't expect it would be so difficult to set things straight again. But now that she wanted to explain everything to him she had already pushed him beyond his limits.

When he was about to leave her apartment, she felt frozen. She wanted to yell at him, tell him that she was pregnant with his child. But how could she when he didn't even know they did the deed in first place? She had a mental break down right then. He needed to understand the whole situation first. After all, she didn't want him to faint from shock.

She felt lost in a labyrinth and she just couldn't find her way back to him. She didn't know how to make things right again.

And then there was Lee Jong Suk's name which kept coming up. She had no idea why Yonghwa was bringing him into this. Yes he had taken her to her reunion and they had seen each other briefly when they unexpectedly met at a convenient store in the neighbourhood a few days after their last joint CF. But that was it. She was too busy with her suddenly shattered private life anyway to pay any attention to the man, even if he texted her quite often lately.

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