Unofficially Official

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I'm going to meet you

Shinhye woke up from a deep sleep. She could hear the faint rattling of glasses coming from the kitchen. Not wasting much time she put her dressing gown on and went to have a look.

Yonghwa was standing next to the stove, only wearing some sweatpants and a towel on his well-trained shoulders. She watched him dry his hair with one end of it while he used his other hand to flip something that smelled like French toast in the pan. Luckily her stomach seemed to approve of it. Shinhye sneaked closer from behind, reaching out to touch him as if she wanted to make sure it was not a dream.

It had been eleven days since she was released from the hospital, the same amount of days she had spent sharing her dream house with Yonghwa. Above this it had been seven days since the both of them had signed their marriage certificate with the blessing of both of their families and held a small reception on Shinhye's birthday with their closest friends at their home. It still seemed surreal.

Shinhye originally had been extremely afraid of their families' reaction. She prepared herself for a huge scolding. However, none of that happened. Somehow everyone had been very calm and encouraging, congratulating her on her birthday as well as on the marriage and the baby. She had a feeling that Yonghwa was the key reason for that. Truthfully, she did not know what kind of magic he worked but she was very grateful for it.

Shinhye never expected it with the short amount of time they had for the preparation, but the wedding day had actually turned out to be perfect. Krystal had pulled some strings and had her sister find just the right dress for her that, personally quoting her best friend, made her look like an eternal goddess. Their close friends somehow all had managed to clear their schedules for their special day and had even decorated the place beautifully while the bride and groom went to sign the wedding certificate.

White snowflakes had been falling from the sky, making the garden outside look like winter wonderland when Yonghwa and Shinhye had come back home to celebrate. Their guests had already awaited them. Jungshin had officiated the private wedding ceremony. Minhyuk and Krystal had served as the primary witnesses to their marriage and Hongki had taken care of the wedding songs. Yonghwa and Shinhye had spoken their wedding vows, promising to always love and cherish each other as they would move forward in life together, causing many in the audience to shed a few tears of joy.

Then it had finally been time to enjoy the delicious food, especially the beautiful wedding cake. When no one could stuff anymore food into their stomach Yonghwa and Shinhye had eventually opened the dance floor. They had decided to just have fun and to not care too much about choreographies, which had been the best decision given Yonghwa's limited dancing skills. The party had officially started from there and lasted for a few more hours before their thoughtful guests had left them to be alone on their wedding night.

Once it was just the two of them again Shinhye had suddenly started to feel nervous. She hadn't been sure of Yonghwa's plans and she did not know what to expect next. As Yonghwa walked over to her she had felt her heart beat quicken. Not knowing what to do with her hands she had just held onto her dress with them.

Yonghwa had obviously noticed her tensing up. He had slowly made his way towards her as if he hadn't wanted to scare her off. She had felt pretty stupid back then. After all she was a grown woman, they had slept together before and she was already pregnant with his child. She hadn't been able to understand why she suddenly started to feel all shy and self-conscious.

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