Chapter 5: Battle is about to start!

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"Okay Al, I need to open a personal space, this card is the rarest common card in this game, It supposed to be the chance of a rare card to get this card, this is an important moment, so I will use this, okay"

As he speaks, I think about the card, and suddenly this card is popping up on my screen. Then I swipe it out.

"Do you mean this card?" I am showing the card to him

"Yes... yes... that is the card, so the last owner has it as well"

"I think I got 12 or 15 of it."

"... Just use yours I only have 1 card"

"Alright, [private room]"

Suddenly there is a door open near us. I open the door, and there is this kind of lounge, a cozy one. The lounge has a TV, a fireplace, a set of sofa, and several holographic magazines, cool.

"Whoa" I am fascinated with the room

"First time? This is my second time, my first time is when I got this kind of card for the first time, I try it on the spot."

"Haha curiosity overload"

"Hahaha, let's get back to the topic! Show me your cards!"

"You are not going to rob me, aren't you?"

"Of course not! Let's do it"

Then I open my deck and swiping down the card one by one to show it to Tom. There I noticed that the exact same card will be stacked into one with a little number that showing the quantity on the bottom left corner. I got a lot of cards on my deck, a lot of common cards that mostly throwable, healing equipment, and support items like a grappling hook, tripwire, etc. There I also get some uncommon cards, mostly it just the upgrade of the common card. In the uncommon card, melee weapon is no longer a single-use item, throwable damage more, healing equipment heals more and the support items have much more quality.  The next level is a rare card, I got plenty of it as well. There are some armors with a different kind of passives, some melee, and more range weapons with a different kind of effects. And at this level, I can find a skill card, mostly boosters; strength booster, speed booster, HP booster, damage booster, etcetera. These skill cards are single-use items. Then finally, we reach the epic card level. Here are more skill cards than the previous level, and some of them are permanent with a cooldown. One of the cards is the doppelganger card. Besides that, I can also find "summon shadow" card, the description shows that

Epic card
[Need a hand? count on the darkness, your old friend!]

I'm wondering, what is that skill

Move to the next level, Unique. For your information, I don't have any unique cards. Moving on, Legendary card. At this level, there are cards. One called "double trouble" that is showing the detail as

Legendary card
Single-use passive - in effect
[Fight as one, a partner in crime]

The other one called "alternate reality" that is showing  detail as

Legendary card
Permanent passive - in effect
[Use your epic, unique or legendary card, anywhere!]

"Dude, what is this?" Tom asked.

"How would I know?"

"It said, it is in effect, and it is passive! the effect is active without you realize it, or automatically give you some  power or perks"

"I am wondering, is that something used by the previous owner?"

Another voice answered, "Do you want to know the answer?". I look around, checking where is the source of this voice.

I ask tom, "Bro, is there a possibility of someone other than who I permit to enter this room?"

"No of course, why?"

"I heard a voice, other than us"

"Don't be kidding, there is no ghost in here or the real world"

"No, I am sure this is not a ghost"

"Juussttt iiiiiiiggggnooooor . . ."

The time goes slow, then stop. Everything just freezes in time and that mysterious voice comes again.

"Hello, my apostle."

"Who are you?"

"The one who gave you the card."

"That old man? where are you and what do you want?"

"You know, this world is similar to the real world when you violate a rule, you'll be a criminal."

"What are you trying to imply?"

"I violate a rule, this world actually a very gigantic kingdom with a King, a Queen, a Jack, and an Ace who is ruling this world. I was the Jack, the most trusted man stand beside the King."

"What rule have you violated exactly?"

"The kingdom is corrupted, the King is making a deal with mercenaries to make him richer. The queen prostitutes the unfortunate in this world and the real world. The Ace is making a team of cheater who can do anything in this world, and I heard a rumor, that group of cheaters are the same group as the mercenaries hired by the King."

"So, what is your problem?"

"I want to be a King, I want to be a god! The King hides his treasure here and there, and I need to find it!"

"So? Why don't you find it yourself?"

"The royalist besides the King cannot access his stash. I tried it once, and I've been banished from the royalist. My deck would have been reset, yet I have time to activate my last resource, the double trouble legendary card."

"So that is why it activated!"

"You know, a legendary card is a unique existence, they choose the owner and they won't be easily transferred once you died. Then the unique card, it is similar, but anyone can get it through a certain trial."

"I see, and why do you explain all this to me?"

"Because I need a specific legendary card that makes you a god!"

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