Ice Cracks even the Strongest Earth

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Mario sighed, looking out at the rest of the guild, who were arguing...yet again. Or more specifically, the guild leaders trying to calm down a certain ice devil slayer.

"How did you make Boat, who showed up a week ago, an S class?!"

The guild leaders sighed, not wanting to explain to David again why.

"Because", said Ritchie, "We needed a new S class now that Björn is gone. Plus, he managed to hold up against my brother, and it takes a lot of power to do so."

A whimper comes from the corner where Inmo sat, at the mention of the previous S-class wizard.

David, still visibly angry, was not satisfied with that explanation.

"But why him?! Was I not good enough for S rank?! I was your very first guild member. Why not me?!"

"You are starting to sound like a child" says Brandon, shaking his head.

"I may sound like a child, but I think this is valid!! And this isn't fair!"

Mario, shaking his head, was getting quite sick of the yelling coming from the center of the room.  He was already getting a headache.  Putting his head on the table, he covered his eyes, praying the headache away.  The thump from his head hitting the table alerted Kit sitting next to him, who asked if he was alright.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just getting a killer headache."

Kit nodded (though he couldn't see it because his eyes were covered), understanding the situation.  "From all the yelling towards the guild leaders?"

She received a groan as a response, so she assumed she was correct.  As she looked up from Mario, she noticed Brandon looking at the pair with concern and curiosity.

"He's fine, he's just got a headache."

David, hearing this comment from Kit, turned and looked at the pair and gave a grunt of disgust.

"God, pebble-brain!  Can't even handle a bit of yelling?  You are even more of a wuss than I thought you were."

Mario, who heard the comment, just dug his head deeper into his arm, trying to ignore the pestering from then ice mage.

David looked back at the guild leaders, then said something that would make the tension go up in the room ten-fold.

"Why, in the world, would you allow someone as worthless as Mario into this guild?  God, I don't understand you sometimes."

A gasp echoed from around the room.   Kit covered her mouth in surprise.  Brandon's eyes furrowed with enough anger that if looks could kill, David would be dead.  Ritchie's hands started to cackle with electricity as he got more and more angry at the devil slayer still in front of him.

Mario's eyes opened with shock from inside his sleeve.  His eyes suddenly became less dry then they were a second before.  His face paled to a sickening white. 

But then his sadness turned to anger.  And all hell broke loose.

He lifted his head, and kicked his body back, knocking over the chair he was sitting on.  The ground started to shake, as if the very earth was angry itself.  Boat, Kit, and Inmo had to hold on to the tables and chairs in order to stop themselves from falling over.  Brandon flew up slightly, in order to not worry about the shaking, and Ritchie steadied himself on the pedestal with ease.  David, not expecting the shaking, fell to the floor with a loud bang.  His head looks up to where Mario is standing, his head shaking slightly with fear at the amount of power emanating from the dragon slayer. 

Mario, wiping a couple stray tears from his eyes with his sleeve, was furious.  In his rage, his dragon force came out, the scales coating his skin.  His eyes were almost red with anger.  He stormed up to David, picking him up by the neck, and threw him into the nearest wall. 

"You ever call me worthless again, and my face will be the last thing you see." 

Mario, practically growling his words, stood over the body of the now barely conscious David.  Cracking his knuckles and neck bones as emphasis, he readies himself, before saying,

"Cavern dragon roar!"

With the roar being point blank at David, it picked him up, throwing him against the wall on the complete other side of the room, where his body crumples to the ground as he is knocked unconscious. 

The ground finally stops shaking, allowing the other members of Divinus Magia to gain their footing again.  They look at Mario with a mix of awe and curiosity.  Brandon, who glides up to Mario, sets down, and puts his arm on his shoulder.  Mario, in surprise from the sign of affection, causes his dragon force to leave, leaving his skin clear once again. 

"Don't worry about David- he fully deserved what he got to him" said Brandon, nodding his head over to the still unconscious devil slayer.  "As for any damage, I'm sure he will cover it just fine."  

Ritchie, hearing what his twin brother said, agrees.  "He will also be getting a very intense game of dodge the lightning bolt once he eventually comes too." 

Mario nods, as Brandon takes off his hand from his shoulder, going back to stand with his brother at the podium. 

"I'm going to get a drink." 

Brandon nods to Mario's statement, gesturing to the door, giving him permission to leave the guild hall.  Kit, wanting to make sure that her older brother was okay, runs off after him so that he isn't alone.  They leave, and the sound of the door slamming shut allows David to come to. 

"What the hell was that?"

Brandon turning to his brother and then to David, said, "That was the start of your punishment."

A groan was the only response to that statement.



I was actually going to make this a Mavid one shot, but then this idea came into fruition, and I couldn't stop it.

Like the angst?




Love you guys!


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