The Spirit Whisperer and the Werewolf Spirit

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Warnings: Sadness, Angst, a bit of blood and gore.


"God I would kill to get some proper sleep. I mean, I know the Devil or whatever said I would be able to sleep now, but that damn task of his is keeping me up since I have to find those blasted fifteen souls!"

Inmo shook is head in dismay. He kept wandering around in the forest near where he met that werewolf....Xylo was his name? He wasn't sure honestly. The lack of sleep was making his brain fuzzy.

He came near a river. Sitting down on the bank of said river, his put the extremely large backpack to his left, and somewhat slumped forward. He could feel his eyelids closing, as he desperately fought to keep them open.

But the need for sleep was to much for the young spirit whisperer, and his head slumped forward, a soft snore coming from him.

He was woken up a few hours later by a female yelling at him.

From two feet away.

He was startled awake, practically jumping up from the uncomfortable position he was in. He shook his head to the right and left, trying to get the sleep out of his eyes. He then rubbed them, blinking. With the ability to focus, he looked at the girl in front of him.

And suddenly had the urge to vomit.

The blonde in front of him had a large gash coming from across her throat. It appeared as if a portion of her neck had been ripped open, as several bite marks were still present. Blood had dripped down the side of her body from the gash.

He shook his head again, praying that this was just a dream. He looked up at the girl in front of him, seeing the gash. Nope, not a dream.

"W-what happened to you?" asked Inmo, who was mentally freaking out.

The blonde (who had since stopped yelling) looked at him with gratitude.

"You can actually see me?! I've been trying to contact the pack and nobody seems to see or hear me!"

Inmo, now standing up, looked at her now with sadness. "You might want to look at yourself in the river."

Her eyes widened. She quickly turned around, leaning over the bank.

And seeing nothing reflected back to her.

She screamed again, startled. "W-why can't I see myself! What happened?!" Her hands went to her head, and held them there, shaking it back and forth.

Inmo, having seen this type of soul before, sighed. The girl, hearing the sigh, raised her head out of her hands. "What?" she asked, still in shock.

Inmo walked forwards towards the girl. She took a step back, surprised that he would come so close to her. He put his hands up to stop her. Curious (but cautious) she did. The two were now a foot away from each other. Inmo (using his already raised hand) went to put his hand on her shoulder.

It went right through.

The girl eyes widened even more than before, and she screamed....again.

"How?! How did your hand just...go through me!"

Inmo, taking his hand back, looked at her, his eyes softening. He goes back to where his backpack is, and sits next to it, his hands wrapping around his legs. He looks back up again.

"Before I tell you, will you please tell me your name? I have no idea who you are and I don't want to keep saying 'you'".

"Its Hannah."

Inmo nodded. "Alright then...Hannah. I have a special ability..." He trails off. This part was always the hardest.

Hannah crosses her hands in front of her chest, eyes narrowing. "And?"

Another sigh. "I...can talk to spirits."

Its takes Hannah a few seconds before she realizes what that means. She takes a startled step back. "Wait....does that mean?"

Inmo nods. "You....aren't alive anymore, Hannah. I'm sorry."

A startled sob comes from Hannah. She collapses down on the ground, her body hunching over.

Inmo feels his eyes start to become wetter, as he looks away, not wanting Hannah to react worse if she saw him crying. This was always hard for Inmo, but was something he had to deal with.

"I really wish I didn't have to be the one to tell you....but I am the only one who truly can." Inmo's eyes harden. "I never wanted this power, you know. It keeps me up at night. I can't sleep, I can barely eat, and I have to deal with the souls of the damned screaming in my head. Day in and day out."

Inmo punches the ground in front of him, startling Hannah to take her head out of her hands.

Inmo's hands reach up as if to point at anyone up there, somewhere in the sky. "I feel like I've been forsaken. Why me?! Why do I have to be the one who deals with it?! I shouldn't be the one to tell poor Hannah here! She should have passed on. But no." Inmo accents the o in no.

He wished that this blasted power would just...go away.  He couldn't handle the stress anymore from all the pour souls.  A single tear trails down the right side of his face.

Hannah sees that Inmo is in anguish at his situation.  She moves towards him, sitting close to him.  The two then sob together on the river ban. 

While it had been a terrible day for the both of them, being in each others company made it just a little better as they knew they weren't alone.


I hoped liked this one-shot! (I hope this was to your liking Thaum, I tried xD)

Keep leaving me requests in the comments below!

I love you guys!


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