Austin's Nightmare and Its Aftermath

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Warnings: Mentions of worthlessness and death. 

You have been warned.

Requested by:  BeepBoop-

Running.  That's all Austin knew.  Or at least, all he could do at the current time frame with Bri flying close behind him. 

"How could you do that to me?!  To Xylo?!  How could you?!"

Austin, with tears in his eyes, kept running.  She had been screaming at him for what felt like hours.  He tried to talk to Bri about what had happened, but she wouldn't answer.  As soon as she took out her staff he knew that he had to run. 

"I can't believe you!  How could you be so cruel?!" she screamed again, her words echoing around in Austins head. 

He wasn't even sure what he had done, but he couldn't figure out a way to get her to stop and explain.  Tears dropped onto the ground at an angle, as he kept running.  

He was making a good distance away from Bri, when he suddenly slammed into a tree.

He rubbed his head as he looked up at the tree, now that he was on the ground.   He hears something land behind him, as he turns around, seeing Bri.  She growls at him, and slinks forward as if like a tiger. 

"Bri!  Please!  I don't know what's going on!  I didn't do anything!  Please stop!" Austin screams, tears leaving a trail on his face. 

Her head raises as she lets out a cackle worthy of the Wicked Witch of the West.

"You do know.  Don't be dumb!" 

Austin could feel himself kneeling down, his hands coming together as if to pray.  "Please Bri!  What is going on?!"

Bri shakes her head, her face contorting to one of anger and shame.  "How could I ever love you?  How could I ever be with someone as evil and vile as you?" 

Austin stills after hearing this.  "W-what?"

Bri shakes her head.  "It doesn't matter.  You still did this."  Her wings fold over to protect her sides as she gets into an attack position.  "I don't think anyone in camp would even care if you died, right here, right now.  They would probably say good riddance..."  Her staff starts to glow as she prepares to strike.

"Bri!  No!  Please!  I didn't do anything!" Austin continues to plead with her.  "Please!  I beg of you!" 

And then he was abruptly shaken awake.


Several Minutes Earlier:

Michael was doing his rounds around the camp.  Someone had to protect the camp after all.  Has he reached the end of his scouting (his route ends near his house) he heard a scream. 

"Bri! Please! I don't know what's going on! I didn't do anything! Please stop!"  the voice said, obvious panic in their voice. 

Michael knew that voice.  He sped up his speed, running towards the son of Apollo's cabin, worried for his ward.  Just as he reaches the demigod's cabin, an out of breathe Ritchie appears. 

"Ritchie?" asks Michael.  "Why are you so out of breath?"

Through a few huffs of needed air, he answers.

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