"I'm the Only One who Cares"

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Warnings: Possible Incest, Gore, Death, and Mental Warfare.

If you are either too young to read this, or are not comfortable reading this, then please skip this entry.

Alright are you still here?

You've been warned.

Request submitted by RoseDarkness


Ritchie's unconscious body was thrown into a furnished room. A comfortable bed, a bookshelf filled to the brim, an expansive fireplace.

He groaned, slowly opening his eyes, covering them from the sudden light of the fireplace. He rapidly blinked his eyes to get used to the light. Sitting up, he looked around the room, a look of surprise crossing his face.

"How did I get here?" he mumbles to himself.
A voice answering his question shocks him into standing up.

"You're in your new home silly!" says a voice that sounds suspiciously close to his twin brother Brandon...but with some sort of edge to it. But of what?

"Brandon? Where are you brother?"

A giggle comes from around the room. Ritchie assumed there was some sort of surround system.

Ritchie then realized what that tone was.

Pure insanity.

This definitely was not his brother.

But then, who was he?

"You are not my brother, you heathen!! Show yourself, and fight me!". He went into a defensive stance, starting to check the four corners of the room.

Another giggle rang throughout the room.
"Don't bother trying to use your powers in here! You can thank Eden for that little feature."

Ritchie, upon hearing the name of the powerful wizard, felt his own shoulders slump. Normally there would be no point using up his energy trying to escape when it came to the Arc of Embodiment powered mage. But wasn't going down without a fight.

So he tried anyway, hoping that he would be calling the voices bluff.

He attempted to cause a single lightning bolt to appear from where his hand directed. Something, on a normal day, he could summon hundreds of, without breaking a sweat. But today was not a normal day. For a straight hour, he used all his might in order to summon even a single spark.

But came up with nothing. And became exhausted because of the effort and strain he was putting on. He eventually collapsed, as a wave of sadness came over him.

A voice spoke then, causing him to start up again in surprise.

"I really am sorry you were taken here- my brother was insistent though."

The voice was almost exactly the same as his own, just with another message in between the lines.

Ritchie, raising his fist to the ceiling, said angrily, "Who are you? And why do you sound like me?!"

The voice laughed a little, while a faint facepalm go be heard in the background.  "Why, I'm you! Just, you know...this dimensions version."

It took Ritchie a couple seconds to comprehend what he just heard.  (He was always a bit slow in the mental department)
"I was wondering if I would ever see you.  Why have you revealed yourself now?"

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