Heat Miser and Snow Miser

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So fun fact, my fathers favorite Christmas movie is "The Year Without a Santa Claus" and I was listening to the heat and snow miser song (hence the title of this one shot) and I couldn't help but hear and see Brandeen and Jakey.  So here we go, another Olympus one-shot. I hope you enjoy, and have a Merry Christmas, Happy New Years, Happy Chanukkah, etc,  if you celebrate it!


There was never a point in Xylo's life that thought that they would be meeting the two "misers" of the camp, for their attune with ice and fire.  It seemed to be that their sides of camp reflected the sides of each of the misers. 

One side of camp was controlled by the Snow Miser himself, the son of Khione, Jakey.  The confident, partially flamboyant character who was obsessed with water, and more specifically, ice.  He always made his side of camp quite chilly for the residents, but most of them were okay with the temperature.  (The camp being in the middle of a dessert did not help with the heat). 

The other side of camp embraced the heat.  Led by the Heat Miser himself, the son of Ares, Brandeen, this side of camp embraced the warmth from the sun beating down on them.  Considered one of the edgiest people in camp, it was safe to say that many people did not want to get on his bad side.  The fact that he leaned towards violence did not help his case.

The two misers were always on edge with each other over taking larger sections of camp to spread the temperature that they desired.  Brandeen wanted to get closer to the docks and the beach while Jakey wanted to get closer to the field. 

Campers avoided the entire situation at all costs when the two were at odds with each other.  Fire and ice would be spread around camp, and only the lucky few would be missed by the sprays. 

The two demigods, who were once the best of friends, had allowed power to go to their heads.  They each wanted control of the camp.  In order to avoid the destruction of said camp, Counselor Kayla gave them their respective areas, and warned the two of trying to test her limits.  Especially considering the fact that she had the son of Zeus himself under her wing.  (And nobody was immune to lightning)

But when Xylo came to Jakey with a proposition to make an area of camp colder, he got excited.  But when he learned who's section of camp it was, he got quite nervous.

Let's set the scene, shall we?

Xylo, and his companions Inmo, Colin, and Seek, found their way up to Jakey's snow castle by direction of Mitch, the only other person besides Jakey himself who had actually been in the castle physically. 

They walked up the ice steps, marveling at the colors and the magnificence of the castle itself.  The rich colors of blue and white and grey came together to make what looked to be a piece of art.

And Jakey was ready to show it off.

The doors swung open as if by magic, as a cold fog settled in around the demigods, giving them a small shiver.  Music started to play in the background as snow versions of his pink obsession Kirby started to appear, with small white hats on top of their head.  Each Kirby also carried a small icicle staff (which they eventually found out would be used as twirling devices). 

Jakey strolls down the stairs, his cape fluttering behind him as he uses his magic to make his silver diadem appear brighter than before. 

As the small Kirby's start to point their staffs towards Jakey, the two groups start to sing.

"I'm Mister White Campsite, I'm Mister Snow. I'm Mister Icicle; I'm Mister Ten below.
Friends call me Snow Miser, whatever I touch, turns to snow in my clutch.  I'm too much."  As Jakey starts the first verse, he laughs as he says the final line in the section, and points to his mini Kirbys who are now dancing in front of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2020 ⏰

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