Kay turns Jakey into a Puppy

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When Jakey was lead outside of the guest house on the island of Divinus Magia, he expected maybe a picnic in the grass or a trip to get more cookie supplies. Maybe a song or two. But when Kay said that she wanted to "test something with her magic" and that she "needed a test dummy" he got nervous. Sure, he trusted Kay, but she doesn't usually experiment with anything magical, or anything at all.

He was told by Bryan a few days prior that she had managed to turn Lo'Pho human. This shocked Jakey- not only the fact that she was able to do that kind of magic, but the fact that she had the mana at this time to do so. (Especially since he was told that Lo'Pho reached close to six feet tall in his human form)

Jakey (still being dragged outside into the patch of grass outside) was told to stop, and put down everything he had on him. He paled at this, wondering what could possibly happen to him that he would need to remove all of his items. He did so anyway, placing it on the grass behind him close to Oliver (who had followed him outside as he usually does). He walked closer to Kay (now without his items) and waited. He noticed that Mario and Lo'Pho were outside and watching his occur.

"Don't worry Jakey" says Lo'Pho, "You'll be fine!"

"B-but w-what is sh-she going t-to do e-exactly?" said Jakey, nerves showing as he practically stutters on every word.

Kay tsks in front of him. "You'll see, don't worry! I don't want to spoil anything."

Out of the corner of his eye, Jakey noticed Mario turn to Lo'pho. "Why is she doing this again?"

"She wants to see the process for a human turning to an animal and then back again. She tested animal to human with me, but she wants to test the reverse with a human at the start" answers Lo'Pho, nodding to Jakey and Kay in turn.

Jakey, after hearing that statement, calms down. He knows that she has done this before, so he shouldn't be worried. Or at least, not that worried. He takes a deep breathe, and nods to Kay to show that he was ready. She smiled and put her hand up, closing her eyes to concentrate. Jakey closed his eyes, and waited for the result.

He didn't even realize she was done (as he hadn't felt anything happen) until he heard an aww come from Kay. He opened his eyes, and noticed that he was now quite near the ground.

"He is so cute!" cooed Kay, kneeling down next to him. Jakeys ears perk up as he realizes that Lo'Pho and Mario are coming closer to the pair. Mario puts his hands out as he kneels next to Kay. Jakey felt himself go and sniff his hand. His tail wagged as he (somehow?) recognized the scent coming from the dragon slayer as his knuzzled his nose into his hand.

"Eeek look how cute he is!!!" squeals Kay, jumping up and down.

A groan comes from Lo'Pho in response. "Why did he have to turn into a mini doggo though?" he questions, giving a sigh of disappointment.

Mario looked up at him. "I mean, he is kind of cute though."

And he was. Jakey (now in puppy form) was now all blue. He had short, stubby legs, a tiny tail, bright blue, large eyes. His body matched his hair and clothes that he was wearing. He yipped (as none of the people in front of him could understand him). It was high pitched and small, similar to those of of a baby Maltese puppy.

Someone else could understand him though.

"Jakey?" a surprisingly deep voice came from behind him. Jakey stiffens, but slowly turns around, shaking himself out of Mario's hand. He sees Oliver looking at him with his head cocked to the right in question. Jakey waddles over to where Oliver was and sits down in front of him.

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