The Gross Bending

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

With little hesitation, his right hand gripped the back of the chair. His hold made the chair more stable, but she doubted that was his intent. Rather, she felt her limbs begin to shake, and she desperately wished the cables to be off of her. Even if she couldn't run that well with all of her injuries, she still wanted to try so that she could race back to her room. Trying to leave only would result in something worse than the body in front of her, and she didn't want to imagine that.

Not a word parted from her as he abruptly leaned the chair and her forward. A slight cry escaped her, and she pressed her limbs more against the chair. She leaned her head back and wished that her hair was secured behind her head so that the locks wouldn't be closer to the body. Instead, they fanned around her face and dangled like vines for the insects to climb up upon. (F/n) hoped that the maggots wouldn't commit to such an idea, but her stomach still turned awfully. It didn't help that her toes were being dipped into her vomit, and the squishy texture reminded her of what the corpse must feel like.

"So, here's the game." He stood to her left, and a neutral expression covered his countenance. Her eyes didn't look up to him; she was more focused on making sure that she didn't get any closer to the body. "Every time you answer with a lie, I move you closer until you're face-first in that woman's gut. And, I'll keep shoving your face in until I get a truthful reply from you for that final question. If you respond truthfully, I move you back until I see it fit to untie you and end this little session of ours." A scratchy chuckle escaped him, and his right fingers tapped against the back of the chair. "If you answer with the truth the first two times, I let you go. Pretty nice, right?"

If it had been earlier in her time with him, she would've scowled and practically spat in his face with a harsh retort, but she knew the consequences of that. He probably would release the chair and drop her into the decomposing woman. She shivered at the thought. "Anyway, first question." The smell, which had been lessened before from her prior experience with rot, was starting to filter into her nose, and she wished to squeeze her nose. Her wrists struggled against the restraints slightly, but a sharp nail soon entered her field of vision. "That's going to get you nowhere pleasant." Reluctantly, she nodded her head, and the nail retracted.

"Now, do you miss Ether?" No response left her immediately, but she knew that he was going to ask a question along those lines. She bit her bottom lip as she heard his right fingers tapping again. "Oh, and I need your answer by the time I countdown from sixty. Plenty of time. If you stay silent by then, I move you closer." Just barely, she could hear him whispering the numbers. Each tap of a finger seemed like the hand of a nightmarish clock.

Did she miss him? Maybe, the question should've been whether or not she preferred him over her tormentor, but that would've been too easy. And, she could reply that she wanted Ether in that instance since it wouldn't mean much. Obviously, she'd desire the less torturous of the two. At least, Ether ... At least, he ... She chewed on her lip more as though it would provide her all of the answers to life. Skin broke, a thin trickle of crimson spilled into her mouth, but it tasted better than her vomit or her rot-smelling meal from before. "Ten, nine ..."

"Wait, I have it!" she hurriedly said, straining her voice to a degree. His countdown grew silent. "He ... He ... respects me." Was that right? Did he? After everything that he had done, did he really respect her, or was that just because her tormentor made Ether appear respectful to her. Before she had any more time to respond and clarify her answer, he moved the chair forward. Instantly, she pushed back into the chair more as though she was glued to it. "Wa -"

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