The Pink Naming

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Gentle and ... kind. There was no rough quality about it; there was no lust behind it. It was an action meant to soothe her aching mind; it was to show that he was there for her, that he cared for her. He loved her, and he wished to comfort her. The creature knew that she might not approve of the action, but he didn't care. She was breaking down before him, and he didn't know if his words would calm her.

Already, he could feel her body relaxing. Her tears continued, but she didn't sob. His right hand remained over her eyes. If she wanted to be ignorant of the kiss and say that she had relaxed on her own, he would be fine with that, but it hurt to continue seeing her break down before him. He was certain that if her body wasn't so weak she would've slapped, punched or hit him in some manner, and he wouldn't mind.

His lips remained against hers awhile longer while his left hand cupped her left cheek gently. None of his left nails broke her skin. They only rested against it as gently as they could. He had no intention to spill her blood in that moment even if he admired the color on her; he did like pink on her more, and he wished that he had one of the pink carnations to place among her hair.

The flowers represented death at Carnation Hills, but they meant something else to him. They embodied their bond. Their light pink hue meant that he only would take some of her flesh, but he never would take enough to kill her. Pink carnations were his promise to be by her always. That probably terrified her and turned her life into a living nightmare. In fact, he knew that it did. Witnessing her breaking down in front of him because she acknowledged that she missed him was proof of that, but he couldn't pull away. He was too selfish. And like her, he missed her whenever she was gone. Right now, all he could was kiss her softly and quietly, and he hoped that it provided her some comfort.

When he finally pulled away, he steadily removed his hands from her. As his right fingers unveiled her eyes, gorgeous (e/c)s stared back him. He wished that they weren't filled with pain. Part of him desired for him not to be the cause of some of that agony, but he didn't regret his actions that led her to him, that led him to love her. And so, a pained smile met his lips as her eyes searched his. "I'm sorry too, (f/n), but I don't regret killing Laura; I don't regret threatening your parents. I'm too selfish, and I've made your life an endless nightmare."

At first, she didn't respond. Silent tears simply streamed down her face before she parted her lips. "I know ..." Her eyes glanced to the side briefly before they turned back to him. "But, I'm ..." Slightly, her brows furrowed until they relaxed. "I'm happy that you're not going to force a child on me." She tried to adjust herself so that she would be more comfortable, and he helped move her so that her head was resting on his thighs instead of his upper knee. "And, I don't know ..." (F/n) looked hesitant to say anymore.

"You don't know if you'll ever be ready." She gave a slight nod. He sighed and smiled a little. It hurt, but he forced it upon his lips. "You miss me, (f/n), but that doesn't mean that you're in love with me. You miss my acceptance, but you hate what I do. I understand that." (F/n) examined his gaze to see if he was serious, and she saw not one ounce of lies in his words. Her heart skipped a beat. It wasn't necessarily out of love; it was out of gratitude. In the corners of his eyes, she could see tears forming. "All I want is to be with you. I don't want you to leave; I hate when you're gone."

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