The Smooth Sailing

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Frankly, she didn't know how, but they were on the road and safely driving towards the factory. At first, it had been rough, and the ride was a little bumpy. Ether almost had stalled the car several times in the beginning, but after the initial gear shifting, he was fine. Then again, they were on the highway, and there were no vehicles in front of them. The only issue was when there were turns on the highway, and he had to downshift to make them. On the first one, she swore that he was going to crash into the nearby pines, but he had managed just to make the curve and keep the semi on all wheels. Hopefully, her father, Nick and Deidre were alright and weren't getting injured by the boxes of oranges.

There also was the hole in the bottom of the truck, but she was sure that Chris and Ren would've stopped if one of them had fallen out. Instead, they were driving behind them still. Ether did giggle a few times, and she had a feeling that he could view Ren's facial expressions. Most likely, he was having constant scares with Ether's driving, but she couldn't critique too much either since she most certainly would crash the semi.

The fact that Ether never had driven, let alone a manual transmission vehicle, was almost unbelievable. Whatever advice and lesson Vincent had given Ether, it worked, and she was grateful for it. His ability to take in Vincent's teaching and apply it, though, reminded her just how capable and intelligent he was. For him to be doing as well as he was for his first time driving and on a semi, it was ... well extraordinary, not that she would tell him that. It would get to his head too much. No wonder he had been able to read, write and learn a list of other skills on his own.

During his driving, though, she didn't talk even if she wanted to go over the plan one more time. She went over it in her head, and she knew that as they got closer she would be knocked out. It worried her, but she didn't want to distract Ether. Sure, he might not need to shift, but if he did, she wanted him to be alert fully and have his entire attention on the road, at least some of it anyway. (F/n) doubted that one hundred percent of concentration was there due to where they were heading. If anything, she envisioned him having wonderful images of that other creature being slaughtered by him. Personally, she didn't blame him, especially since she imagined the game of darts with the other creature's head. Yes, that would be very enjoyable.

Resting her chin on the palm of her right hand, she leaned her head more that way and onto the window by a little bit. "Don't sleep." Her eyes instantly glanced over to him. She didn't need an explanation for why, and she nodded. "You know; you can talk, though." His eyes stayed on the road. "I'm focused enough, and I know that you're nervous." He giggled a little. "And, not just about me driving this semi." A grin remained on his lips, and she saw a sadistic gleam momentarily in his optics, but it wasn't directed at her. "You're doing pretty good at hiding it, but I know that you want to go over things again with me. We still have a few hours."

"But ..."

"I'll be fine. I want to talk too." That gave her pause, and she fully looked to him. His grin had fallen, and his expression switched to a neutral one. Was he worried too; was he scared that he wouldn't make it through the fight? They had such a conversation before, but, maybe, the implications of that were hitting him all the harder since they were getting nearer and nearer to the factory. "But, one of the most important pieces during all of this is that once I start attacking him," his eyes narrowed a bit from rage entering his system at the thought of Callest trying to dodge him to go after (f/n), "run. Run faster than you've run from me. Don't look back. Just get your mother, sibling and run."

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