The Full Crew

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


"I seriously was hoping that they would get together." Fingers were interlocked behind her neck, and her gait was casual. Light brown hair was tied back into a ponytail, and full lips parted with a slight sigh. "But then, that all happened." Her lips turned into a pout, and her light blue eyes glanced over to her team member.

"It couldn't be helped. It was unlikely that she was going to be safe from him forever," he responded as his green-hazel optics fell onto his partner. He combed his right fingers through his spiked auburn hair, and the group ring, which had a design of a red ruby wrapped in metal, glinted a bit in the morning sun. "And, it's been two months now. I feel bad for her, Chris, but you know how Nick is on that subject."

"Why do you think I'm mentioning it when we're collecting breakfast for everyone?" She crossed her arms before she put her hands in her grey-blue coat. "Even though he's still worried about our safety, like he always is, he's concerned about her too." An annoyed frown greeted her lips. "I don't expect him to bolt off and rescue her. That'd be suicide, but he can admit that he cares for her, Ren. That's not going to hurt him."

"It might. He's trying to move on from her." Ren saw the fast-food hamburger restaurant and held the door open for Chris when they reached it. "As much as all of us were in support of it, it was unrealistic with him still alive. And if he's dead, I think that she would've tried to call Nick at the very least," he continued in a quieter tone. He walked in after her, and they headed to the front to order. There were a couple of people in front of them.

"We deal with the unrealistic every day, though. And, Nick's the most qualified," she pointed out as they moved up in the line and lowered her voice too.

"He is, but he also understands the risks the most. Sure, he's told us again and again the danger of him, but I don't think that we'll ever fully comprehend that ourselves unless we face him." Slightly, a shiver traveled up his spine. "And, I don't want that to happen. Nick doesn't either. He knows that he's only living because of incredible luck. He doesn't want to push that, and he doesn't want to endanger our lives either."

"I know all of that, but," she sighed and tightened her ponytail, "I want him to be happy too, and it seemed like she was happy with him also." She placed her hands back into her pockets. "Part of me just wishes that we could return to that time in Faller's Grove."

"I think that all of us would like that to happen, but that's not the case anymore. We're still alive, however, and based on what she was telling us as well as Nick, she's probably still alive too. And, there's a chance for them to see each other again even if it's slim." Ren pulled his wallet out of his green coat. "Nick's holding onto that, and he's trying not to worry us at the same time."

"Well, he's failing at the second part." She crossed her arms and glanced up to her partner. "If he didn't want us to worry, he'd just admit that he enjoys her company and wants her back."

A sweat-drop formed on Ren, and he shook his head. "Again, he's trying to move on for now, Chris. We can't force him to open up, and I don't want to. It'd be like him asking us why we don't like certain nicknames for us." Slightly, she relaxed, and he ruffled her hair a bit, much to her irritation. She swatted his hands away, and a light chuckle escaped from him. "Besides, I think that part of you wants him to admit that so that you can tease him again," he joked, quirking an accusatory brow.

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