The Weird Conversationalists

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Warm, soft light spread throughout the space. Light blue chiffon fabric appeared darker than it was, and the outside world barely was noticeable with the curtain's covering. What probably felt like clouds to her covered her delicate body, and her eyes were closed due to her being in a peaceful sleep. Slightly, her lips were parted as light breaths of air escaped her when she exhaled. Framing her face were silk-like strands of (h/c) hair.

A smile met his lips at the sight, and his heart beat steady even if it felt like there were butterflies in his stomach. That conversation with her had been eye-opening and wonderful. He learned so much, and he understood where she stood. She accepted how she felt even if she hated it. The fire that was in her had sparked back to life.

Before she had drifted back into sleep after crying with him, she had muttered that she wanted Callest gone. She didn't want him being a threat anymore in their lives. Despite the exhaustion in her voice at the time, her tone also held a strong conviction to finish him. He wouldn't mind granting that wish of hers; he desired to tear the male apart too.

For now, he would continue to watch over her; he always would protect her. There would be no more games with her; he simply would be by her side, and she now accepted that. In fact, she wanted that, and he couldn't be happier to oblige. His smile remained on his lips, and he glanced out towards the night outside. Ether's eyes noted that there was no one suspicious, and he relaxed at the thought, but he still kept up his guard. Even if the environment was soothing on the inside of the home, it only would take moments for Callest to disturb that peace if he truly wanted to.

Slowly, a frown formed on his lips. A horrible feeling grew in his gut, and the urge to gut the a**hole grew greatly, but he had to watch over (f/n). He couldn't leave her side, or she might get taken again. That, he couldn't allow under any circumstances. No more of Callest's punishments would grace her fragile form.

His thoughts, though, were interrupted when he heard the door open quietly behind him. Briefly, he looked back and saw Nick there. Dyed pitch black locks were swept to the right and were wet. A grey long-sleeve v-neck, black lounge pants and black slippers covered his form. Probably, he had finished a shower due to his hair and the fact that Ether had heard water running earlier. Without a word, Nick walked over to the other chair in the room. He sat down by the table and table lamp before a quiet sigh parted from him.

The creature stared to him as he leaned back on his chair. "Is something wrong? Deidre usually comes in." Ether saw Nick nod his head before his brown optics looked over to (f/n). He furrowed his brows before he stood back up and brought his chair over to Ether.

Once there, he seated himself again. "I want to talk with you." Ether raised a brow and made a motion for him to continue. His expression was neutral, and his desire to kill the human male before him remained locked away presently. He had helped save (f/n) even if he had taken her away from him; however, he wouldn't hesitate for a second to kill the male if something happened to (f/n), or the human tried to harm either of them. Still, he didn't like the human, but he could tolerate him ... for now.

"All of us ..." Nick averted his eyes from Ether. There was a tinge of fear in his eyes, and Ether instantly knew what he was about to discuss.

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