The Lengthy Spinning

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Slowly, he leaned over. His arms were crossed over his chest, and dyed pitch black locks hung loosely around his head from the madness of the prior hours. The entirety of his body ached, and his wrists remained red from the electrical cables. He tried to ignore the pain, and he only just was succeeding because of his exhaustion. Slightly, his head touched the glass of the window, and the coolness of it woke him up before he drifted completely into sleep.

His head popped up, and his eyelids blinked over his brown optics. A very quiet chuckle greeted his ears from his left side. He glanced over and saw a small smile on Deidre's lips. Briefly, she met his gaze. "Nick, go to sleep if you need it," she practically whispered. "Ren and Chris are both asleep. I'll be able to stay up until we get home, and Ether's awake too."

Normally, he would've thought her crazy for willing to stay up with just the creature up as well, but she was driving, and the creature wanted to get (f/n) to a more comfortable location. He also promised not to kill any of them, but Nick remained wary of that promise. Despite the changes he had witnessed in the creature that night, he didn't wish to drop his guard, so he remained somewhat worried about falling asleep.

"It'll be fine," she reassured again. "It'll be more important that you're awake when we arrive to the house, and I'll wake you up if things start looking bad." He remained hesitant, which caused a quiet sigh to part from her. She reached her right arm over and pushed his head gently towards the window. "Sleep, or you'll regret it later."

"Are you sure?" he asked, trying to resist the urge to lean up against the glass again.

"Yes, we still have three hours ahead of us. You need the rest." He raised an eyebrow. All of them required the sleep. "I was knocked out longer than you," she joked, but she didn't earn a laugh. Nick instead frowned a bit before he released a drawn-out sigh and shoved her right arm in a bit of a playful manner.

"You really shouldn't joke about that, but ..." He trailed off and smiled slightly. "I'm glad that we're all alright. And if that helps you forget about that nightmare, then I'm fine with it." Nick gave her another smile. "I'll try to laugh, but ..."

"You can't promise anything," she finished for him, a smile of her own on her lips. Her eyes focused on the road. "I know. I don't expect you to, but I do expect you to get some rest." Out of the corners of her eyes, she stared to him and gave him an accusing expression.

"... Fine, but wake me if something happens." She hummed in response, and he permitted himself to lean against the glass once more. His eyelids closed, and consciousness steadily disappeared from him. The last thing he saw was the scenery sweeping by in the right side mirror, and, thankfully, Callest wasn't there among it.

Once she noted that Nick was asleep, Deidre leaned back on her chair and tried to get more comfortable. She was exhausted as well, but she could stay awake for awhile longer. Her head ached, and her body was bruised, but she wasn't strung up like a piñata, nor was she injured like Ren or Chris. Ultimately, she had gotten off easy considering what Callest had been planning for all of them. If Ether hadn't come, all of them probably would've been dead or near to it. The thought chilled her, and she gripped the steering wheel a bit harder.

Infectious Submission (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang