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Chloe's pov

"Huh??" Gina said looking at me

"You heard what I said, popularity isn't meant for people like her"i said staring at my shirt..

"You know you got to change that shirt"she said pointing at the shirt.

"I didn't  bring an extra shirt" I said looking at the shirt in disgust.ughh my favorite shirt has finally become my worst shirt, I should have listened to my mom..

"Don't  worry I have an extra shirt in my locker.. Here" she said handing me a pink silk shirt. 

"Atleast it's better than before. "

"Yh thanks"I replied entering the toilet. Then I heard the bell.


"Are you ready for class??" Gina asked  popping her head out.

"Yes but I need to see the school administrator. "

"Oh you don't need to see her, all your schedule are here" she said staring at a piece of paper.

"So what's next??. "

"We have the same subject, AP history "she said smiling broadly.

"Ok am done, lets go. "

We walked to a brightly lit classroom and we decided to sit in the back.
I quickly took my seat close to gina.  Then the teacher walked in writing on whiteboard.

"Good morning!" The teacher said in a nice and cherry voice. She looks like a woman in her late twenties.

"So we have a new student, can you kindly introduce yourself??" the teacher asked staring at me and smiling sweetly.

"Huh"I said standing up.

"A..Am.. "
Before I could reply, the fake wooden door in the classroom busted open and the three queen bees walked in, smirking at me.

"A..Am c..chloe..."I said sitting down immediately and breathing heavily.

"Uhmm that's was short but let's continue, am miss hopsin"she said looking at me a little bit confused and then returned to what she was doing.

"She is a loser" I heard maddie said.

" she can't even pronounce her name properly" one of the girls replied laughing loudly for me to hear.

"So you said you want to take away the popularity from her right??" gina asked immediately looking at them in disgust.

"Y.. Yes" I stuttered my eyes wide in shock.
"But I don't know how??"I said staring in space and thinking for an idea to pop up.

"Why don't you throw a big, sweet party in your house tomorrow night" she said staring at me.

"Oh my gosh, you are a genius" I looked at her and hugged her lightly.

"That's what friends do right??" she  asked smiling lightly.

"Yes"I replied doing a fake evil laugh..

I know I could persuade my mom in throwing a party but my dad could be the real problem..

This is getting so much better.
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