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Chloe's pov

"Wow I look beautiful "I stated staring at my reflection in the mirror. I later called gina and thanked her for the gown, it was indeed beautiful..

I was in a long sleeve white tight gown which had a big V-opening at the back clearly exposing my back. On my feet, I wore a pair of black heels having many straps. My long blonde hair was neatly brushed as I packed some strands and left a few to fall. The only jewelries I wore was a set of white and black coloured earrings on which its length stopped at my collar bone and a gold bracelet on my wrist. My makeup was really beautiful. The touch of light eye-shadow and a deep red matte coloured lipstick which made me look elegant and actually brought out my dazzling shape.

I heard a knock at my door..

"Your date is here"my mom said as she walked into the room.

"Oh k, so how is my outfit? "I asked looking at my reflection again.

"You look beautiful "my mom said hugging me and smiling..

"Uhmm thanks mom you are killing me"I stated trying to breathe.

"Enjoy yourself "my mom stated releasing me and patting my dress lightly.

I walked down the stairs elegantly then I saw Stephen standing there and grinning like a fool.

"You look beautiful "he said still smiling.

"Oh thanks"I answered taking a glance at his expensive suit and matching trouser"you don't look bad yourself"

We walked to his car and entered..

"I know I am good looking right"

"Jerk"I muttered to myself, fake smiling at him.


We stopped at a nice looking restaurant, as we entered a waiter motioned us to follow her.  we climbed to the upside of the building where there was a nice view of the city and table was set down for us.

"Wow did you book this place?"I asked sitting down and smiling.

"You like it??"he asked grinning.

"Yup"I replied..

"Is just one of the cheapest restaurant I booked"he said waiting for my reaction.

"Huh"I said looking at him surprised. Is he trying to say am cheap? . Chloe control your anger.

"Ooops I shouldn't have said that right?"he asked smiling like nothing just happened.

This boy have the nerve besides he is a total jerk, just play along chloe play along..
Thanks for reading ❤❤

hope you enjoyed this chapter ☺☺..

Would love your votes and comment thanks 😘😘.

By blessing albert99 ❤❤

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