Tease It

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On the way to the gym protein shake bar, it was decided that Milo couldn't stay the night at Manley without wrecking his own sleep schedule. Manley Hall was farther from the athletic complex than Lockhart, which made the morning even more grueling for Milo than it already was. Lee didn't mind, especially considering the lump of homework he pushed off in favor of spending Saturday with Kiki. If Milo was in his dorm all the time, he'd never get anything done—at least not homework.

Other things... he'd definitely get done.

Lee shook his head from where he was now neck deep in homework. He really shouldn't be thinking about that, not when he had spent the last hour staring at the same problem without making so much as a dent in it.

He looked at where his phone sat on the desk next to him. He picked it up. He stared it down so intensely that he felt the world spinning and spiraling around it like they were on some epic crime show—Lee, the investigator; his phone, the criminal in custody. If he started shit with it now, he wouldn't be able to stop until he had the answers he needed.

He got up and put his phone on the end table before returning to his desk. Approximately five minutes later, he got up and rolled onto his bed, phone in hand.

I have the self control of a goddamn rat, he thought to himself as he opened Snapchat.


20:13 Leon Me is typing...

20:13 LEE: What're you doing rn

20:13 MILO: Jerking off to the thought of you

20:14 Leon Me is typing...

20:15 LEE: Wow you really didn't hesitate there did you

20:15 Open snap from Milo 🏈🤼‍♂️ Parking Lot

— A bag of beef jerky —

20:16 LEE: Fuck that's sexy

20:17 MILO: 👅🤫

20:17 MILO: What're you doin

20:18 LEE: Right now?

20:18 MILO: Yessss

20:19 LEE: Thinking about you blowing me

20:19 MILO: 😚😜🤭

20:19 MILO: Pics or it didn't happen

20:20 Open snap from Leon Me

20:20 Milo 🏈🤼‍♂️ Parking Lot screenshot your snap!

20:21 LEE: You're fucking LUCKY that was just a pic of my face I swear to God

20:21 MILO: ;P

20:21 MILO: I have the reflexes of a CAT

20:22 MILO: Hoped for a bit more sauce tho but damn new lock screen pic or what ???

20:22 LEE: I'll kill you

20:23 MILO: You already have considering you stole my heart 😚

20:23 LEE: I have a hitman on the phone right now

20:23 LEE: He's coming to get you, fool

20:24 MILO: I'll use you as my meat shield

20:24 MILO: Either that or I'll kick his ass 🤺

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