Day 23: Malfunction of the System?

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-All that remained was the hollow pride of a weathered knight

-...And my dear employees, I hope you all put on the gas masks that we distributed to you before we come here

Y/N: *Cough* What the hell happened?

I asked that to the other employees the next day and we all looked at each other, none of us understanding the cause of the gas leak.

Daniel: Did someone tried to poison us?

Elis: P-Poison?!

Daniel: Nevermind, forget what I said.

Skylock: I wouldn't say poison or else we wouldn't be standing right now.

Dana: Drugging us?

Alter Ego: More possible, my head was hurting me the whole day.

We all discussed about every possibilities possible but couldn't find a reason for why it happened. From my perspective, whatever that thing was made me hallucinate along with giving me a lot of dizziness at irregular times.

Y/N: ...Let's hope it doesn't happen again, I don't really want to experience that again.

We all nodded and decided to go to our respective departments. As I made my way to my department, I continued hearing the first alarm from yesterday when everything began to go to shit.

Y/N's mind: I'm sure they'll turn it off soon, I should ignore it.

I sat down and watched the employees walking inside the department, oblivious about what happened yesterday.

Employee: Hey Y/N, do you know what happened yesterday?

Y/N: No idea but it doesn't really matter.

They soon returned to their duties and I then heard a beeping from my watch, leading me to another unknown abnormality. I quietly follwed my order and I took a notepad next to the containment unit before entering.

Y/N: ...


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???: ...

I stared at the abnormality in silence before writing down her appearance until I started to hear her sobbing to herself, reminding me of Scorched girl.

Y/N: ...Are you alright?

The abnormality didn't respond to my call, she didn't even react at all in fact. I sighed before finishing my examinations and then saw the abnormality nodding in my direction while I was surrounded by blue lights.

Y/N: That was weird, what was that?

I also noticed that the intercom still wasn't working for some reason. I then left the room and saw the watch on my wrist glitching out like yesterday, everything was pixelated on it. With a confused look, I returned to the main room and saw the employees complaining about their computers glitching out too.

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