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"Be Patient and tough; someday this pain will be useful to you"

Sartaj calls again after a week to meet Sarima but I make excuses as I don't want to meet him. I can't believe he has the audacity to call me, despite the fact that he knows how much I hate him. He knows that I don't like him to meet my daughter. Why has he come back to our life? I know he's interested in his daughter only. But why? Where is his 'family', his second family? His children from his second marriage? I want to call and ask him everything. But why I am being bothered about 'them'? 'Samaira, don't think about him. Don't stuck in his net, he is a spider.' My bleeding heart reminds me that it is already broken and it has covered itself with steel armor, it won't let anyone come closer to hurt me again. Yes, I won't let Sartaj to break me again, to snatch my daughter.

I have been ignoring Sartaj's calls and messages but I have no idea that by not taking his calls I am inviting more troubles for me.

After dinner, Sarima and I get busy in watching movie. Sarima has asked me several times about his father but I ignore. I know I am hurting her but I am helpless. The doorbell rings, startling both of us. We wonder who it could be at this time. I ask before, no one replies. The image I see from the keyhole makes me scared as though I'll get faint. Sartaj is standing at the door.

"Samaira, please open the door. I want to meet Sarima. You have not been taking my calls so I have to come here," his low voice is getting louder. I rush to the bedroom to turn up the volume of television so that Sarima can't hear Sartaj's voice. "Who's at the door, Mamma?" she asks.

'My friend from neighboring apartment. She wants some sugar,' I reply whatever excuse comes to my mind. I leave and close the door behind me.

'Please Sartaj, go back. Sarima is sleeping so call in the morning,' I say without opening the door.

"Okay! Bye!" he leaves.

I immediately check the lock and all windows. 'He is not a criminal,' my mind says. 'But he has committed a crime of leaving me and can repeat by snatching Sarima,' my heart argues with my mind.

I dial Mumma's number and tell her everything. "Don't worry, he can't harm you. Would you want me to come or send your brother?" she asks.

'No, I think you're right. I am overreacting. I'll call you in the morning,' I put the phone down and lie with Sarima who's falling asleep.

I have to think about this matter. It is a serious one. I think I should discuss with my brother about Sartaj's right on Sarima after our divorce Since Sartaj was not interesting in the custody of Sarima, I have never thought about this situation. I look at the mobile, it's 23.00 hrs. Sammy must be awake. I call him and discuss everything with him. He gets hyper but controls his anger and assures me that he'll solve my problem after discussing it with his lawyer. "Don't you worry. I am here. I won't let the bastard to hurt you again."

'If he'll call in the morning?' I ask as I know he'll definitely call.

"Tell him that he can meet her next week. And if he argues then call me immediately." Sammy solves my problem though not completely. But at least I know what to reply.

Sammy's lawyer has told us that Sartaj has a right to meet his daughter but he can't take her anywhere without my permission. According to him, we should amicably solve this problem. Sammy suggests me to call him at my parents' house to discuss everything. 'If he says he wants Sarima's custody,' I begin to cry. Sammy hugs me and says, "Do you think I'll let him to do this?"

'But I want to meet him alone before coming to any conclusion. I'll leave Sarima here today and will call him to meet me,' I look at my brother who may refuse me to meet him. But to my surprise, he gets agreed with me, "Meet him at the crowded place or some nearest restaurant and keep your mobile on."

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