Getting married

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Wildcat preview
Today was the day I was going to marry my love of my life Nogla I'm so happy this is going to be good

Vanoss: are you getting cold feet wildcat

Wildcat: *shy* no I'm not I just really happy

Terroriser: hey calm down it's stating

I seen my love walk down the isle and I blush more he was in a green tux and I was in a black tux and I smile and so did Nogla and the man send

Man: will Tyler wilde take David nagle as your husband?

Wildcat: I do with all my love

Man: and do you David nagle take Tyler Wilde as your husband?

Nogla: yes~

I smiled more because now he is mine now

Man: get the rings plz

The boy passed me the ring and I pot Nogla ring first then my ring

Man: no in the god of love now you are husband and husband you may kiss your groom

I leaned in and kiss Nogla it was the best day ever and we went back home all of our friends were so happy for us and I was happy to be with Nogla my Irish love


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