The truth

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Tyler preview
When Vanoss took me home I send " good night" I kissed him and he went home I went in and I send " MOM DAD BRO COME HERE NOW PLZ?!?!?" They call came down and my mom send " what is it Tyler?"
I send " dad why I am a merman?" My mom and my dad look at each and my dad send " no your not" I went to grab wanter and I pot it on me and I turned in to a merman and my family was shocked but my mom was not and my dad send " Nogla what is this?!?" Then my mom send " ok look my mom was a mermaid and my dad was a human and they had me and it must have skip me and went in to Tyler" I dry myself and my legs came back and I send " mom it's ok I can deal with it" but my dad send " but Tyler the school has lots of wanter" and my dad was right and even wash my hands no more and my bro send" maybe ware glows on art days bro" I nod my head because Taylor was 16 and smarter then me but he still loves me so after that I went to bed and scared because School is towmarrow

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