The acadent

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Tyler preview
I got up the next day and I grab my clothes and my backpack 🎒 and I went to school with 2p Vanoss and no one came and called me names and Vanoss kissed me here and there and I kiss back he's so good I went to the bathroom to wash my panted hands from one of my projects but when I got back I seen my bodyguard my owl my love kiss a girl I had tears in my eye and Vanoss seen me and he was gilty and the girl smirked and send " hehehe~~" I had tears and I ran away and I heard Vanoss but I just ran outside and I hide behind a tree and I tear up and I grab my knife and yeah the cuts where not from the bully's there from me and I cut myself and I cry more and I hear Vanoss voice but I send nothing and when he found me he send " WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" I looked at him and he took the knife from me and send " Tyler why??" I tear up and seen " b-b-b-because I don't d-d-deserved to live and when I seen you with that girl I knew you just m-m-m-messed with my love I had for you" I felt him kiss me and heal my wounds and I looked at him and my cuts where healed and gone I looked at him again and he send " I hate girls that one kiss me on purpose to hurt you but I didn't kiss back I tried to get away but she had a good grip on me I had to kick her to get her off me I will never hurt you my kitty~💙" I blush and I nod my head and I send " ok my owl~💓" we went back in the school and he stand by my side every where I go even in the bathroom and I was happy to be with him and I kissed him and he kissed back and I missed his hot lips and I purred and he whimpered and I send " awww cute you whimper" he blush blue and I giggled (after school) we went to the park and I smiled at him and we got ice cream but I mean guy bumped in to me and make me drop my ice cream and he send " freak go die" I had tears but my owl gave me his and I blush And we shared his ice cream it was so good like him I was happy that I was his and he was mine but I looked at his neck and my eyes glow red for some reason and my love looked at me and send " Tyler you ok?!?" I nod my head and he seen my dark red eyes and he send " oh no your demon is hungry hmmm bite me" I whimpered and I send " but I don't want to Vanoss" he pulled up his sleeve and he send " it's ok" I nod and I drink his blood it tastes like strawberries 🍓 and I like it I pull away and I licked his bite and it goes away he looks at me and my eyes turn back to light red and he send " you ok now?" I nod my head and he pot his sleeve down and we went to my house and I send " have a good sleep my owl~💓" he nods his head and send " you to my demon kitty~~💙💙" I blush and I walked to my room and did my homework and I went to sleep


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