My new bodyguard like my bro tyler but so much hotter

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Taylor preview
(When Taylor got older he got punch were his voice box was so hard that his voice can't be fixed so that way he can talk or sing)

After me and my father got Vanoss back to my bro in 4 or 5 weeks I started to get bullied because of my problems like I am a little blind and and my voice was gone so no one can hear it and so today my dad called the same people that Vanoss was from and told them the same
thing like Tyler was and told them to send us a hotter and that can understand groans and muffs so I can lean better and not get hurt from my bully's so I went to sleep and I got up the next day and I got on my clothes on and I went down stairs I hear Vanoss and Tyler together then I bumped in to someone I looked up and I was still blind so I can't see anything and he send " hi I am 2p Delirious nice to meet you Taylor I am your new bodyguard" I nod my head and I send "......?" ( ok so why are you here so soon?) he giggles and send " why I am here so soon we'll I get up way early then Vanoss does so yeah" I was shocked that he can understand me and my groans then I seen ".......?!?" (YOU CAN UNDERSTAND ME AND MY GROANS?!?) He smiled and nods his head and send " yep I learned it at bodyguard School it was so easy I got all A+ on that class like 5 to 7 times hah" I blush and I send ".......?.....?" ( so are you walking me to school? Or are we driving to my school?) he giggles more and send " we are walking to school silly hehe" I blush more and I send " ..-..? .....??" (Oh s-so we are walking together to school??) he nods again and I smiled and I grab my back and I send bye to dad and father and I went with Delirious and Vanoss and my little bro I was happy that I was not alone and the someone can understand stand me and not make fun of me and so we can talk and I am glad that my bro and Vanoss fix there love and Vanoss will sometimes get in fight to protect my bro for his bully's.. when we got to school I went to my math class and I started to do my work but since I can't see I told Delirious to do my work and I hear someone send " awww look mr. Blind freak needs a babysitter hahaha" I got mad but then Delirious send " how about you stay away from him or you will be so sorry kid" I blush and he walked away I turn my head to where Delirious voice was and I send "....." (thx you Delirious) he nods his head and after school he and Vanoss walked me and Tyler home and I went to my room and I went to sleep


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