The old bodygurd

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Marcel preview
I was walking with Taylor until we bumped in to a guy and he wear a hockey mask and I send " sorry man I did not me-" he cuts me off and yells " SO THIS IS YOUR NEW BODYGUARD HUH TAYLOR?!?" I got confused and I send " um I'm sorry does he know you?" I look at Taylor and he nods and he send "....-...." ( he was my old b-bodyguard and he hurt me so I left him) then I send " so your the one that hurt him!!" I grabbed him and I yelled " YOUR HURT MY LITTLE DEMON!!!" I was so mad and everyone was looking at us but I did Not care all I can was that man has to go to hell for what he did to my demon sucker I growl at him and he send " let's fight if I win I get him back and if you will you can keep him" I got more mad and I nod my head " find I will fight you for my demon" we went to a fighting place And I was so mad but I calmed down and I got ready for the fight but then Taylor send ".................!?!?" ( THIS IS A BAD Idea DONT DO IT MARCEL YOU WILL GET HURT PLZ DONT DO IT!?!?" I got worried but I just nod my head

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