My killer daddy~~

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Taylor preview
I got up the next day and I groaned and I grabbed my clothes and today was Saturday so no school so I played on my laptop until I hear a knock on my door and I say "......?" ( come in?) i turn my head to the door and I head foot steps and I hear my love " hey Taylor what's up my little love?" I blush red and I send "........-....?" ( I'm a little h-hungry can I drink blood plz?) he smiled and send " ok but not to much because your father told my well wildcat send that your only to have 4 bags of blood a day ok?" I nod my head and he grabbed my some 4 blood bags and I smiled because I loved him I just wish I can see what he looks like I want to see but my eyes are blind and bad I grab my 1 bag and I drink it and I know that I'm blind but my eyes can still turn red and back to white idk why I was blind I was fine 3 years ago when I was 13 and now I'm 16 and in high school with my 12 year old bro Tyler his birthday was yesterday I was happy my birthday was April 29 2006 that when they buyed me and my bro Tyler was born was April 20 2007 he was born from my mom Nogla hehe he was so cute when I could see him back then but now i can't but I do touch his face and his boyfriend face as well hehe it's so weird " you ok?" I looked at Delirious and I nod and after my 4 bags of blood we went to the park 4 mean guys came up to us and send " hey cool guy why are you hanging out with a blind freak come play with us~" I had tears but Delirious send " HELL NO I WILL NOT PLAY WITH MEAN BULLYS LIKE YOU SO BACK OFF OR DIE!!" I cant see but I can feel the body heat of people so one of them walked up and pushed me my mask fell off and everyone gasped and the bully send " see he's a freak like his brother Tyler" I had more tears" then Delirious send " DON'T LISTEN TO THIS MEAN KID HES A BIG BULLY AND HE MAY HURT YOUR KIDS AND THERE FRIENDS!!" The family's looked at   the mean bully  and Delirious helped me up but the bully ran at me and punched me in the face and I fall back down and I hear delirious growl and I hear lots of stuff until the cops came and I feel Delirious pick me up and I send "......?" (You are my killer daddy~?) he blush and send " yeah I'm fine" I nod and he took me home and went back to the bodyguard place with Vanoss so I went to bed worried what happened.....
(What happened?)


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