Possible story idea?

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I'm not sure why, but I wanted to do some writing, and ended up making something I kind of feel proud of. I'm not entirely sure what I should do with this, but I thought maybe I could get some ideas on how I could expand? I'd love any suggestions!
I'm not sure who the characters are/will be, so I used Δ and Ψ as placeholders.

- Δ POV -

An ominous silhouette appeared above them, and time froze. The eerie silence was deafening as they stood still, nervously gazing up at the still figure. Δ's heart was racing, and he couldn't stop himself from flinching back slightly. Ψ's grip on his arm tightened, and he could feel her shaking. He wished to soothe her, to reassure her, but he couldn't break his eyes away from the dark figure standing before them.

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