Chapter Five

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Chapter Five:

I still feel it.

Samantha's Pov:

I stared out the window, looking past my reflection and running my eyes over the tall trees that were lined up down the road, covered with snow but slowly moving with the wind that blew.

I was glad I had worn a sweater, it was cold, and when I say cold, I mean cold.

We were headed towards the vacation home they had rented out for our stay. I had to admit, we weren't there yet but the view was already beautiful.

I smiled as we passed a lake, frozen over and solid. Around it was a deer, staring into it dumbfounded as if there was another inside.

I looked up at the mid day sky. It was like a sheet of icy blue, hard and plain. There were no clouds like there would be in California, which saddened me a bit. To me, clouds were the best parts. They were so beautiful and calming.

I guess I couldn't complain though, even though it was clear, snow was falling from it fast as ever, hitting the window and making me slightly jump. Nicole smiled, her hand tracing her window, drawing something I didn't understand.

I looked behind us, seeing Ellie's parents car. Behind that were Emma and Allison, Ellie with them.

"I love snow." I said slowly,  fixing my eyes on a few snowmen that children must've made when passing through from the biking trail. "It's better than making snowmen out of snow than sand on the beach." My mom laughed, looking ahead at the dark, icy road that we made our way down.

We drove for about ten more minutes before finally turning on the right street. There were plenty of Christmas lights that were hung everywhere, shining brightly and lifting my heart. Christmas lights always made me feel warm on the inside, giving me the best vibes.

My mouth nearly hit my lap as we drove into the driveway of our vacation house.

It was huge! It reminded me of some sort of mansion type thing. Christmas lights were already set up and decorative items outside, snow only making it more merrier as it covered the yard and pretty much everywhere else but the driveway that was salted down so the snow would melt. The huge tree's sparkled outside as the white stuff was still coming down.

I slowly closed the car door, still overwhelmed by the beauty of where we were staying. I smiled as snowflakes landed on my red cheeks. I sneezed a bit, pulling off the hood of my jacket and sticking out my tongue. I tasted the frost of the snow, swallowing as it melted into a sweet water that tickled my tongue.

I sighed happily, wanting to just fall over in the big pile of white.

I turned around, running right into Ellie who just stood there, shivering.

I forgot she never really experienced this sort of weather.

She muttered something, pulling both her suitcases towards the house, jumping as a large amount of snow landed on her, quickly wiping it off and walking faster.

I rolled my eyes, watching Nicole take all of ours inside as well.

I didn't even want to go inside, the outdoors intrigued me more than anything. I walked up the driveway, walking through the steel fence that must lead to the back of this place. My boots sunk into the ground as I trudged back there, almost getting stuck a few times. It didn't bother me that I was almost knee deep by time I made it fully back there, my eyes were huge at what I saw.

  It was a rather large pool. Pure, rock hard, solid ice. I smiled at the thought of ice skating across it. I turned, walking over to the gate that blocked off the wooded area's. I watched two little boys running across the yard of what I assumed was where they were staying. An older girl, probably their sister, yelling at them to stop being "little shits."

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