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tidbits about jasmine

Full Name: Jasmine Jeong (Jeong Hyerim)

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Full Name: Jasmine Jeong (Jeong Hyerim)

Hangul: 정 혀림

Gender: Female

Birthday: December 7th, 1976

Age: 11-12

Height: 4'4 ft. or 133 cm.

Weight: 77 lbs. or 35 kg.

Residence: Jeju Island, South Korea (birthplace), Derry, Maine, U.S.

Ethnicity: Korean American

Class: Upper Middle Class

Appearance: dark brown eyes, pink lips, narrow nose, long wavy black hair, an oval face, short.

Personality: calm, considerate, creative, determined, empathetic, forgiving, gentle, humble, kind, loyal, positive, sensitive, thoughtful, warm, shy, soft-hearted, absent-minded, stubborn, physically weak, soft spoken, dreamy, innocent.

Family: Hyeonsuk (Stuart) Jeong (father), Eunbyul (Annie) Lee (mother)

Nicknames: Jaz (Most of the Losers), Buttercup (Richie), Moony (Auntie Lily), Gooky (Henry Bowers), Loony (Pennywise/IT)

Likes: her parents, Auntie Lily, her friends, plants and flowers, and her loved ones feeling happy and joyful.

Dislikes: blood, the Bowers Gang, Greta and her cronies, Pennywise (a.k.a. IT), and her loved ones getting hurt or die.

Greatest Fear: violence and the sight of someone getting killed.

MBTI: ISFP-A (The Adventurer)

Enneagram: Type 9 (The Peacemaker)


- She is the only Asian to be a member of the Losers Club.

- She too is the only Asian female student in Derry High School.

- She is also the only member who could speak two languages (Emglish and Korean) fluently.

- She is the shortest member in the club.

- She is the youngest member in the club.

- Her hobbies are gardening, dancing, singing, and taking photos.

- Her favorite flowers are moon flowers (hence her nickname Moony), roses, jasmine flowers, and windflowers.

- Her favorite foods are dark chocolate bars (based on character), and her favorite drinks are infused water and tea.

- Her favorite colors are pink, white, and green, but she has no least or most favorite colors though.

- Her favorite parts of the day are dawn and morning because she likes seeing the moon and the sun at the same time.

- Her birthday is actually on the date of the last full moon at the year she was born.

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