↠ bill denbrough

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A Few Hours Later

I was sketching out Beverly when blood began dripping from the ceiling. I sleepily looked up at the ceiling before I got up to grab a bucket. But when I was on my way back to my bedroom, I saw a vacant bedroom that used to be Georgie’s. I strolled to his bedroom, feeling the wounds of the day of his death. As I held onto his lego turtle, I pondered where he ended up at this moment. A second later though, I heard a sound of a shadow.

I stood up and left the room with the lego model still in my hands. I took a walk downstairs to the pantry, to which I examined before seeing Georgie. He was screaming and running like usual, which surprised me because he was supposed to be dead already. It also caused me to drop the turtle, breaking into pieces on the floor like glass. Quivering from inside, I began to explore the room before seeing an open door leading to the dark basement.

I stepped on the creaky wooden stairs among the brackish water that flooded the basement. I looked around before I heard Georgie speaking.

“I lost at the lake, don’t be mad.”

It was followed by an eerie sound before I noticed him sneering at me.

He turned himself, facing me, and mumbled, “Just fool you off.” My mouth tried to form words, but fear slowly had its grip on me, leaving me in silent stutters.

“Bill, if you go with me, you’ll float too.”

From here on, I knew there must be something insanely wrong about this as Georgie went closer to me. I breathed heavily as I stammered.

“Bill will float too,” he repeatedly chanted as his face became paler. A clown with freakish makeup soon appeared, reiterating what Georgie cried before he drowned Georgie’s body. The clown then chased me up before I quickly slammed the basement door on his face. I took quick breaths of relief while the screams from the clown gradually receded until they stopped for good.

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