↠ mike hanlon

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Delivering meat to the butcher shop was not an easy job. I rode my bicycle through the buildings and alleys of the town nearly everyday, and today was no different. There were a few cars here and there, but the town was relatively quiet at most. A few seconds later though, I could hear a car revving, and I knew this was bad news. I cycled even faster before going into the alley where the butcher shop was, avoiding the car for now. I exhaled out of relief before propping my bike on a nearby dumpster.

I was bringing out some of the wrapped meat before a voice called my name. For a second I must be hearing things, but man, that voice was eerie. I gaped in shock and horror as several black hands wormed their way out of the door. Agonizing screams were accompanied with begging before opening the door, revealing nothing, but a shady figure of a man with red eyes glaring into mine.

Then a teal car went towards me, and I knew it was the same car as before. I quickly backed off and fell on my back.

"Step the fuck out of a cow!" a boy with a blonde mullet known as Bowers yelled at me before throwing a rock at me, causing me to flinch right when they drove away from me.

It took me seconds to realize that the whole thing was just not real when I saw the butcher walking towards the entrance.

"Are you okay?" the man asked me with concerned eyes, "Are you alright?"

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