Sometimes You Honestly Need to Shut Up

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The weird thing is that nothing changed.

Even after I told Steve everything, he still acted like normal Steve Tally. He just talked to me more. Which I'm not complaining about. Steve's interesting. He's so into music and I really like that. Seriously, I've had to attend like four more detentions with him because he can't seem to shut up about music. Mr. Hamm literally hates us because all we do is talk about records and concerts and whatnot. Mrs. Codding always makes us come for detention if Mr. Hamm hasn't already. And Steve's band is getting fed up with the fact that he'd rather talk to me about his band during lunch instead of his actual band.

It's not like we're friends, okay?

I mean, we don't argue so much anymore, but we certainly don't get along... Except when we're talking about music, that is.

I've gotten over my stupid little crush, too. Mick and Joey don't believe me, of course, but honestly I have! Besides, I've got a boyfriend... Maybe. I mean, Anthony hasn't exactly asked me on a date yet, but we talk on the phone a lot. And I'm going up to Sunapee real soon. Like this weekend. Because we decided to go up the weekend after school lets out. School lets out on Wednesday. We're leaving on Thursday.

I'm kinda excited to see him.

"You're taking me, right?" Joey leaned forward and whispered in my ear during chemistry.

I turn around. "Yeah, dummy, I've said it like eighty times," I hiss back. Steve smirks.

Another thing? Steve hasn't missed a day of school since I told him. Maybe he just hasn't had a gig in awhile.

Mick just stopped sitting with Joey behind me altogether. Mainly because Mrs. Codding moved him to the front because the three of us talked too much.

"Are you guys coming to the show tonight?" Steve asked us, joining the conversation.

"What show?" Joey asked.

"My band. We're playing downtown. You in?"

Joey looked at me, I looked at Mick. He was turned around in his seat on the opposite side of the room, staring at me. I raised my eyebrows. "Fuck yes," he mouthed, nodding dramatically.

How could he hear us from all the way over there?

"Yeah," I say with a grin, "we'll be there-"

"Mr. Tally, Ms. Ramone, see me after class please. Michael, turn around," Mrs. Codding said tiredly. Mick huffed and turned around, slouching down. Steve and I rolled our eyes and went back to listening in on the lecture. But soon my mind wandered...

What happens when these dillweeds graduate? It's gonna be so weird without Steve and his band sitting with us at lunch. It'll just be the three of us again. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm gonna miss at least some of the seniors. Huh.

" the book due tomorrow!" Mrs. Codding sang over the bell, drifting me out of my thoughts.

"Want me to wait?" Joey asked me, speaking of how I have to stay back for a minute.

"Nah," I say. "Go on."

Steve and I slouched in our seats, waiting for the room to clear out. Then we miserably made our way to her desk.  Mrs. Codding sighed. "Tomorrow's Tuesday," she said. "Then there's Wednesday. And after that- that is when you can talk to each other. Not in my class, please," she sighed again. "See me after school today."

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