"Remember Me, Your Boyfriend?"

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Guess what I did the following day?

        Hung out with Joe.

        And the next day?


        And the next day?

        Joe.  Kind of.  Allow me to elaborate:

        So it was still snowing, and Christmas was going to happen in two days; it's the twenty-second.  When Joe and I went shopping on Saturday, Steven was feeling a bit sick–that's why Joe just dropped me off at home afterwards.

        It's Monday now; I haven't got anymore classes because of the holiday break.  I chose to sleep in late, and when I woke up, Joey and I called Mick.  When he picked up, Joey and I sang Happy Birthday at the top of our lungs.

        "Let's celebrate!" Joey crowed.

        "Why?" Mick asked.

        "You're twenty-one!  It's finally legal!"

        "I'm twenty, you dumbass," Mick said, laughing.

        "Oh.  Right," Joey replied with a frown.

        "That hasn't stopped us before," I reminded them.

        "Let's celebrate!" Mick and Joey crowed together.

        "Sweet!  I'll be up in like three hours," Mick said.  "See ya!"

        Oh.  I was kind looking forward to going home.  I guess I'll go down for Christmas.  Whatever.

        Almost as soon as I hung up the phone, it started ringing again.  I let it ring a few times so it didn't seem like I'm waiting by the phone, then, "Yellow?"

        "Yo!" said a thick Bostonian accent.  But I'm in Boston, so I guess that all the accents would be thick... Anyway, "Hey, Gin!"


        "What're ya up to?"

        "Um, nothing, really... Uh, what're... You up to?" I ask awkwardly.

        "Callin' you," he says.  It almost sounds like... A– Joe, maybe?  "Seein' what you're up to.  Wanna do some stuff with me today?"

        "Mick's coming over in a few hours," I say.

        "A few hours," he echoes.  "That's plenty of time!"

        "Uh, sure then, I guess," I say.  "This is Joe, right?"

        He laughs.  "Yeah.  See you in five–"

        "Make it twenty?" I ask.


        "See you in twenty," I say.

        "Twenty," he repeats.  "Bye."  And then the line goes dead.

        Because now I've got a schedule to keep, I hop in the shower and ready myself as quickly as possible.

        I managed to do it in fifteen minutes.  Cool.

        Several minutes after that, the phone started ringing again.  Thinking it was probably Mick asking for directions or Joe saying he'd be late, I picked up the phone and said a cheery, "Yo."

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