Dinner With Father Frank

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In the days that followed, it was nothing but lightheartedness and good spirits.  Steven was the world's most perfect boyfriend, Joe was the world's greatest friend, Mick visited often, and they started writing more and more songs.

        It was a cold, dark day at the end of September.  I was almost as good as new–physically, I mean... The mental state was taking awhile.  The kind of day where its chilly and unpleasant and the sky is gray and overcast, threatening rain at any minute.  I love those kinds of days.  The kind of day where you can curl up on the couch with a blanket, a mug of tea, and a book.  Or, in my case, a blanket, and mug of tea, and the TV.  I didn't know where Steven was.  He was gone when I woke up, but there was a note on his pillow saying he'd be back, along with a crappy drawing of a heart; like a first grader had drawn it.  The smiley face was a bit better.  It got me smiling.

        Matter of fact, the only people here are Joey and Brad.  Joey was making a sandwich and Brad was watching the TV with me, absently practicing guitar.

        Joey sat down next to me on the couch and gave me half his sandwich.  "You know where Steven is?" I asked him.  He shook his head a bit too nonchalantly.  "What about you, Brad?" I asked.

        "Nope," he said quickly.  "Haven't seen him all day.  Why?"

        "I'm only curious," I say.  "What about Tom and Joe?"

        Joey and Brad look at each other.  "Yeah, haven't seen them either," they say.

        "Okay," I mutter slowly.  "That's good..."

        "Yeah," they say.  I roll my eyes, not about to question why they're acting so weird.

        I had finished the sandwich half, as well as my tea.  Suddenly Brad spun to look at me.  "Hey, Ginny, you wanna go do something?"

        I frown, noting that I'm still in my pajamas.  "Like what?" I ask.

        "I dunno," Brad says.  "Something."  He looks to Joey for help.

        "Yeah, Gin.  You, me, and Brad.  It'll be fun."

        "Like what?" I ask again.

        "Shopping," Brad suggests.

        "I only do that with Joe," I reply, smirking a bit.

        Joey rolls his eyes.  "Joe'll meet us there."

        "Whatever," I say dubiously.

        "I swear it.  He will," Brad says.

        "Why, suddenly?" I ask.

        "Because..."  This time Joey looks to Brad.

        Brad frowns.  "Because... Frank wants to go out to dinner tonight with the band and we want you to come; you're basically family now."

        "Yeah," Joey agrees.  "And you know Father Frank..."

        "Yeah, always wanting to go to nice places and whatnot..." Brad said.

        "Yeah, so, we figured you could get a new dress or something," Joey said.  "One that's really pretty or something."

        "Yeah," Brad agreed.  So much yeahing.  "Sound like something fun?"

        I shrug.  "Better than sitting around, I suppose," I say.

        "Great!" Joey crows.  "Go put on some normal people clothes!"  I roll my eyes, but do as I'm told.  Within ten minutes, Brad, Joey and I were on the road to the store.

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