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The sound of the alarm buzzing echoed throughout the silent room before stopping when a lazy hand grabbed it. Your hand muffled the beeping. You raised it above your head, staring at the blinking red numbers before turning it off after a few seconds of staring. You tiredly got up tossing your legs off your bed onto the cold wooden floor causing you to hiss out of surprise. You ruffled your hair in an attempt to wake yourself up with little success.

Laying back down onto your bed you closed your eyes before opening them with a sigh.

"Time to get ready"


You turned to stare at yourself in the mirror frowning until forming a smile that you quickly dropped deciding to frown again. You groaned. You turned away, walking out of the bathroom as you patted your short hair down. You looked around your room, narrowing your eyes as you looked for your bookbag. Your eyes widened slightly, spotting a familiar black bag, you walked over to your bed, crouching down and lifting the sheet that shielded your bag,

Grabbing the bag you got up to leave but not before trailing off to look at a picture of you and four familiar boys, your eyes lingering on the boy with maroon hair.

You let out a sigh before turning away and walking out pushing your thoughts about the boy from your mind.



reposting my various! free! x fem! reader from quotev

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