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Your [e/c] coloured eyes stared at the white ceiling as you snapped out of your thoughts.

Why am I thinking about that now?

You turned back and saw two familiar faces that caused you to crack a small smile.

"Nice to see you Haru, I missed you at the opening assembly," you said, turning to look at the two boys with a smile, "Speaking of which why weren't you at the assembly yesterday?"

"He just didn't want to go," Makoto replied in response for Haru.

You sighed in response to Makoto's comment, not at all surprised by the response.

"I guess I shouldn't really be surprised."


You looked down at your desk, twirling your pencil in between your fingers as you listened to your new homeroom teacher do roll call.

"Todakoro Junichi-kun."


She was a model, right?

"Tezuka Kaori-san."


I'm not sure how I feel about being taught by a former model who became a teacher as a backup plan.

"[L/N] [F/N]-san."

You looked up from your desk and halted in the spinning of your pencil, "over here." you said as you lazily raised your right hand in response.


"Nanase Haruka-san."

You stifled your laughter.

"Uh, Miss? Haruka's a guy."

The classroom erupted in laughter by Makoto's correction causing you to let out a chuckle.

"Oh, you're right!"

You cracked a smile, resting your cheek in your hand as the young homeroom teacher introduced herself to Haru, thinking about how often Haru's been mistaken for a girl.


"So how was class with your boyfriends?"

You choked on your food. You pounded on your chest with your fist, shocked by your friend's blunt teasing.

"Ah! [Y/N] are you okay?!" Akihito exclaimed before quickly passing you his flask of water. You quickly chugged down the cold water before handing Akihito back his flask. You turned roughly to look at the asked of the question that caused you to choke in the first place.

"What was that Kenji?" you questioned, glaring at the taller male.

Seeing your expression Kenji began to frantically wave his hands in front of his face, a nervous expression present on his face.

"E-easy there [Y/N] I was just joking, really"

"Whatever," you huffed out, turning away from him in annoyance before turning back and questioning him. "Anyways, did you get any more club application?"

The two boys sighed in response to their question, their shoulder slumping in unison. "No, absolutely nothing," Kenji said as he sat down on the bench, his head tilted back as he looked up at the sky.

You turned to look at Akihito still holding out hope to hear good news about your club though you started to feel less hopeful after hearing let out a sigh, "not only that, we also received two more resignations. I'm not sure what we're going to do. Nine people resigned already and only four people are joining, I mean at this rate the club will be gone by the time we're in our third year".

Akihito looked at the ground and walked towards the bench, joining his friend in moping about the current state of the club and its future.

Not being able to hold it back any longer you frowned and joined the two of the bench as you began to mope about the state of the volleyball club.

"I can't really blame anyone that doesn't want to be a member anymore or doesn't want to join after all we lose almost every single game we have."

All three of you sighed in unison.

You got up and straightened up before looking back at the two.

"I'll be back all this depressing news is making me thirsty, I'm going to get something to drink."


"Just don't be surprised if your food is gone when you come back."

You left ignoring Kenji's comment.


You listened to the 100 yen move around in the vending machine as you waited for your drink to come down. You crouched down pushing your hand past the flap of the vending machine to grab the can of milk tea but halted when you heard distant yelling.

You stood up straight and turned to the direction of yelling directly behind you. You raised your hand above your eyes as you tried to focus them enough to see who was yelling without any success. The yelling got closer and closer. The closer it got the clearer the voice got until you could clearly hear the voice and what it was yelling out.


You saw a blur of strawberry blonde but before you can even process anything you feel arms wrap tightly around you. The arms pull away from you allowing you to view that person that had just yelled out your name.


"Long time no see [N/N]-chan"

Your eyes narrowed at his comment and you brought up two fingers, flicking his forehead in response.


"What do you mean 'long time no see' I just saw you last week"

He laughed in response, scratching the back of his head with his right hand. "I know, I know, I just thought I'd sound cooler if I said that".

You sighed in response before cracking a smile at him.

"Hey, [N/N]-chan do you kno-"

"Oi! [Y/N] hurry up literature club is meeting up in a few minutes!

Before Nagisa could ask his question he was interrupted by Kenji reminding you of your club meeting causing you to jump in surprise.

"Ah! S-sorry Kenji, I'll be right there!" You ran to the vending machine and grabbed your can of milk tea in a hurry. You ran towards Kenji but not before waving goodbye to Nagisa.

"Sorry, Nagisa! I'll talk to you later!"


The sounds of shoes squeaking across the floor and volleyballs were like music to your ears, they were a symphony that you welcomed.

You watched the two boys that accompanied you during lunch practice as you cleaned the volleyballs peacefully until you heard a comment from one of the boys.

"You look like you're in a hurry to finish cleaning [Y/N]. Are you trying to hurry to meet them?"

You dropped the rag that you were using to clean to volleyballs and your grip around the volleyball tightened as you looked up at Kenji and the teasing grin with a glare. Before you could say anything Akihito approached the two you with his hands raised up. "Easy now you two there's no need for any teasing".

You took a deep breath and stood up. You walked directly in front of Kenji and without saying anything you shoved the ball into his stomach causing him to groan.


He grabbed the ball on his stomach and fell over in pain causing Akihito to walk over to him. "I've told you a million times to stop teasing her about that". He then crouched down to Kenji at eye level, " No offense, but you kind of deserve that".

You walked away from the two, "Remember to put everything away when you're done!" you yelled before you exited the gym.

"You got it! See you later [Y/N]!"

You walked out of the gym and ran to the entrance of the school, hoping to catch up with Makoto, Haru, and Nagisa.

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