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The sound of you cracking a raw egg into the bowl of warm rice breaking the deep silence. You dropped the ceramic bowl onto the wooden table, the sound of it echoing throughout the empty house.

You looked up at the ceiling with a blank stare. You groaned.

"This house is always so empty."


You stepped outside bringing your hand up to your face in an attempt to shield your eyes. You let out another sigh before taking another step out into the sunlight.

Your eyes wandered with every step that you took. Your [e/c] eyes gazing over your surroundings.

Iwatobi really hasn't changed, has it?

You looked down. You saw a small blur of orange and white. You stopped and grabbed the plastic keychain hanging from your bookbag strap.

It was a slightly faded anemone fish keychain that you got when you first joined the Iwatobi Swimming Club.

Your eyes softened at the sight as you started to think about your close friendship with a certain group of four boys. Light brown, maroon, dark blue, and strawberry blonde coloured hair entered your mind causing a small smile to grow as you thought about the times you spent with them. Your smile slowly dropped as you looked back to the keychain and you thought back to your old swimming club and the recent news of its closure.

Thinking back to the defunct swimming club caused the images of a stone-faced boy with an ocean in his eyes that you were inseparable from and couldn't leave alone and a maroon haired boy with an unforgettable smile that seemed to always get nervous around you.

You let out a long sigh.

You reattached the keychain to your bookbag strap and you turned your head up and looked up to the sky.
"Boys stress me out."


10 years ago

A little girl with short, messy [h/c] hair listened to the conversation between the blue-haired stone-faced boy and the kind-eyed brunette boy as she swung on the swing.

You jumped off the swing stumbling with every step as she tried to get her balance. You walked over to the slide occupied by the shorter boy in an attempt to help the brunette boy in mission to convince the blue-eyed boy to join the swimming club.

"Mako-chan's right Haru-chan! I've only been a member of the swimming club for a few weeks and it's been really fun and I bet it'll be even more fun if you join!" you said as you flashed him a wide smile barely able to contain your excitement at the possibility of your best friend joining the swim club.

"Considering how you act normally I don't think I can handle you when you're having fun in the water," Haru said in a stoic response before standing up from the maroon slide.

You gasped, puffing your cheeks up in offense at his response.

"W-what's that's suppose to mean Haru-chan?!"

"What I'm saying is that you're already way too energetic and annoying as it is but you having fun and being in the water would be too much for me to handle," Haru said bluntly before turning away from you to look at Makoto.

You puffed your cheeks up even more to the point of them turning red in response to Haru's blunt comment.

"That was mean Haru-chan you didn't have to say it like that!"

He ignored you as he responded to Makoto's early comment.

"I don't know why you're so adamant about me joining the swimming club Makoto, after all, it's not like me not joining is stopping you from joining"

"That doesn't matter we're friends what's the point of joining if you won't be there"

Haru gasped slightly before quickly returning to his stoic demeanor. He let out a sigh and looked down before sitting back down onto the slide.

"I still don't know it just isn't something that I'm that interested in."

You looked up and saw Makoto's eyes droop slightly as a small frown appeared on his face before Makoto could speak you grabbed Haru's hands and looked him directly in his dark blue and eyes causing him to gasp.

You smiled.

"C'mon Haru-chan it'll be a lot of fun I promise!"

He looked at you a slight blush on his cheeks and turned back to look at Makoto who was smiling at him, he turned back to you with an almost invisible blush on his cheeks. He sighed in defeat.

"Fine, if it will stop the two of you from asking me, I guess I'll check it out."

"Really Haru?!" You and Makoto said in unison unable to contain your excitement.

"Yes, really, now [y/n] can you please let go of my hands your grip is a little too tight"

You looked down and saw that with your excitement you tightened your grip, you quickly let go and started to apologize multiple times within a few seconds before being stopped, Haru's hand preventing you from bowing again.

"It's alright [y/n] really, can you please just stop apologizing?"

"I'm sorr- Uh, I mean alright Haru," you said with a nervous smile before turning to give Makoto a thumbs up with a large grin on your face as you thought about how fun it was going to be with Makoto and Haru joining the swim club. 

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