the swim club.

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You ran as fast as you could, your chest tightening with every forced step forward. After a few more steps you stopped, your breathing heavy and your hands on your knees as you tried to catch your breath, after a minute of resting you looked around you in an attempt to find the faces of the three boys you were looking for.

School ended already they're probably gone already.

Why am I even putting so much effort into looking for them?

You thought back to a conversation with your Aunt Himika when you confided in her about how you noticed that you had started to become distant from the boys that you once considered your closest friends.

You slapped your cheeks and stood up straight, determined to find them. That was when you heard three familiar voices having a conversation. You looked up from the ground and looked in front of you and saw the backs of three boys. Excited, you ran up from them despite still being out of breath and called out their names.

"Haru! Makoto! Nagisa!"

The three stopped and looked back at you. You stopped in front of them and placed your hands on your knees once again in an attempt to catch your breath.

"[Y/N-chan! Are you okay? Makoto said, a concerned look present on his face.

You looked up at the taller boy and smiled, "y-yes I am, sorry about that Makoto, I was just really excited when I saw the three of you".

"Really?" Makoto said in a slightly unbelieving voice as he tilted his head to the side.

You smiled up at him, "Yup!"

All three of you began to walk to Haru's place, you, Makoto, and Nagisa smiling the whole way as the three of you talked to each other. You began to think that your relationship with the three could go back to "normal", go back to the way it was before Rin left for Australia.


"You're going to the old SC?"

You looked at Nagisa, an incredulous look on your face. You smiled slightly at him, "I don't mean to be rude or anything Nagisa but isn't that kind of against the law? I mean you are trespassing on private property."

Nagisa smirked in response and put his hand under his chin, "Exactly, that's why we have to sneak under the cover of darkness."

You nervously laughed as you looked at Nagisa not quite agreeing with his plan. You turned your head to look at Makoto wanting him to side with you against sneaking into the old building, "Makoto you're with me on this ri-".

You saw Makoto grabbing a shovel causing you to give up.

After a few moments of silence, you turned around and listened in on the conversation between the three boys.

"It just seems sort of wrong to do this when it's only the three of us"

"What else are we supposed to do? I mean Rin's in another country, it's not like we can just ask him to come back to Japan just to join a swim club," Nagisa said in response causing you to frown slightly as you thought back to the maroon haired boy and your last encounter with him after your first year of middle school.

You were about to say something but changed your mind and stayed silent as you turned back.


You were met by Nagisa right in front of you, only inches away from your face. His big magenta eyes were staying directly into your [e/c] orbs causing you to freeze in shock. "So [N/N]-chan will you come with us to the old SC?"

You narrowed your eyes at him before turning away from him, "I already told you I'm not going because like I said I. Don't. Want. To. Break. The. Law."

You got up from the floor and grabbed your bag, "Anyways, even if I wanted to go I couldn't because I'm doing a shift at the restaurant tonight."

You walked over to the door and opened, looking back at Nagisa before leaving, "you can just tell me what happened at the SC tomorrow at school, okay? I'll see you guys later!" you said as you waved goodbye to the three.

It's not like they'll see anything special, it's just an old deteriorating building that's getting torn down.

Nothing out of the ordinary is going to happen.  

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