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You leaned against the wall, staring at the white ceiling as you eavesdropped in on Makoto, Haru, and Nagisa being lectured by a teacher.

They seriously snuck into the old SC?

You continued to listen to the three boys getting lectured by an older male teacher until you heard the familiar voice of your homeroom teacher come to their defense.

Seeing the door open you attempted to walk up to them to talk to them only to be interrupted.

"Oi! [Y/N] hurry up! Coach wants to talk to the team!"

You jumped in surprise at Kenji's voice. You turned away and ran towards him, but not before giving the door one last look.


You sat on your bed as you looked down at your phone at the text message that Makoto had sent you. You groaned.

This isn't going to end well, is it?

You sent a message to Makoto seriously doubting the plan that he, Haru, and Nagisa had to go to Samezuka.

'you're seriously going to samezuka?'

'yup, it seems like the best shot we have to see rin again'

Sitting up straight you stared at the message on the screen of your phone with a small frown present on your face.

I miss Rin too but that doesn't mean I'm going to break the law just to meet him

You let out a sigh and sent another message to Makoto.

'fine just be careful and make sure not to do anything stupid and if by any chance you do get to see rin please don't cause any trouble alright'

'don't worry nothing bad is going to happen (* ̄▽ ̄)d'

You read the last message Makoto sent you before placing your phone on the nightstand near your bed. You fell back and thought about the boys and their plan to go to Samezuka, worried that something bad might happen. After all, Samezuka isn't an abandoned building like the SC it's a fully inhabited building and they could get caught rather easily.

You sighed.

You closed your eyes and slowly fell asleep, after all, nothing that bad could happen, right?


You watched as the three boys walked out of the teacher's room. You walked up to them, walking next to Makoto.

"It sucks that Miss Ama-chan couldn't help us out there,"

"Yeah, but now I want to know how that fish saying goes"

He turned around to ask Haru about the fish saying only to be met with an empty spot where his friend previously was.

You frowned at the taller boy in confusion, still thinking about his previous statement before finally speaking up, "really a fish saying is what you're concerned about Makoto?"


You watched in amusement as the taller boy jumped in shock having just noticed you.

"Oh, [Y/N-chan it's just you"

"Hey [N/N]-chan what's up?" Nagisa said as he excitedly greeted you, happily surprised by your appearance.

"What's up is the three of you and your weird need to trespass on private property."

A nervous smile appeared on Makoto's face as he scratched the back of his head, nervously laughing at your comment.

"Don't laugh Makoto! This is serious you guys can't just trespass on private property all the time!"

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