Chapter 3

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Luke wakes me up and we went to training.

Jessica - Hey Grove.

Grover turns around and sees me. Luke was beside me.

Luke - I'll see you later, ok?

I nodded and kiss his cheek, he leaves.

Jessica - So how's the newbie doing?

Newbie - The newbie is doing fine.

Jessica - Yet.

Grover laughs.

Jessica - I'm Jessica.

I take my hand out.

Newbie - Percy.

Grover - Jessica Castellan this is Percy Jackson.

Percy - Nice to meet you. You're gonna do great here. I know it.

Percy - Thanks.

He sounded so unsure about it.

Jessica - Just.. Patience is the key.

They continued with their conversation as Grover had his arm around me.

Percy - Look, I'm not a hero. I'm a loser. I have dyslexia, ADHD.

Grover - And those are your greatest gifts. When you try to read, the words float off the page, right? That's because your brain is hardwired for Ancient Greek, not english.

Percy - Like at the museum, I could read.

Grover - Yeah. And your ADHD? Your impulsive, Percy. You can't be still!

Grover circles around him giving him a soft pat on his back and goes back to being in front fo him.

Grover - Those are you natural battle reflexes, man. They kept you alive in your fight. Look, no pitiful loser can defeat a Minotaur. Your blood is special. It's the blood of a god.

Percy - This is a lot of process.

Percy walked. Grover looks at me. As I shook his head.

Grover - Yeah, a lot.

Jessica - Yeah. A lot you dimwit. Telling him everything after waking up. Grover.

I chuckle walking.

We left to the training arena.

Grover - This is where you'll do most of your training.

Percy laid his eyes on Annabeth. He points at her.

Percy - What's her name?

Grover throws a short laugh.

Grover - She will squash you like a bug.

Percy - Her name.

He enunciated his response. I crossed my arms.

Grover - Annabeth. Daughter of Athena, the goddess of wisdom.

Annabeth and Percy made eye contact.

Grover - Aye, no starring. Keep it moving. Keep it moving. Come on.

Percy - Uh-huh.

Jessica - But, she has too much cockiness, it gets annoying.

I say under my breath.

Percy - Hey! You coming?

I shake my head and departed from them. I left to walk to Annabeth.

Annabeth - What do you want.

Jessica Castellan // Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now