Chapter 4

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It's been a couple of days and Luke introduced me with one of his friends, Chris.

Chris - Nice to meet you.

We shake hands as his bright green eyes catch my attention.

Jessica - Your eyes.

I smile.

Chris - What about my eyes?

Jessica - They're so green!

I grabbed his head and brought him close to me.

Jessica - I like your eyes, Chris.

Chris - And yours too.

I let go of his head. We hung out for a while and walking in the North Woods.

Chris - So why did you brother introduce you to me?

Jessica - Probably because he'd have someone he'd trust to keep an eye on me.

Chris - Eye on you indeed.

Jessica - Are you flirting?

Chris - Nahh.

Jessica - Yes you are.

Chris - So I am a flirt. So what?

Jessica - Hey, I'm not saying anything.

Chris - Hmm. So if I kissed you you wouldn't mind.

He stopped in front of me, I look at him.

Jessica - I don't even know your age, your story.

Chris - Well, you can know my story by going on dates with me.

I give him a look.

Chris - I'm a good guy, I'm 19. Mature.

Jessica - You won't be a good guy anymore. You'd be in jail mister.

Chris - Mm. That's too bad.

Jessica - Come on. We can be friends.

Chris - Mmm I don't know.

Jessica - Chris!

I hold onto his back to stop him from leaving.

Chris - Come on we gotta train.

Percy - Jessica.

We look at Percy and I got off of Chris's back.

Chris - I'll see you later.

I walk to Percy.

Jessica - Hey!

I was happy to see him.

Jessica - Back all in one piece.

I was gonna hug him but he stood back. I got confused.

Jessica - Ok... Hey, have you seen my brother? Haven't seen him for a while.

Percy - Yeah,actually, I have.

Jessica - Really where?

Percy - Oh drop the act.

Jessica - Act? What act?

Percy - You were in on it!

Percy raised his voice at me.

Jessica - What? What are you talking about?

Percy - The lightning bolt! You and Luke stole it!! And don't lie to me.

Jessica - What...

I stepped back.

Percy - Yeah. You got caught. It was in the shield! How could you have done that!?

Jessica - Percy. I never stole it. Luke did this?

Percy - Stop lying!

Jessica - I'm not lying. Percy, please!

I walked to him but he walked back more.

Jessica - Percy.

Percy - Your brother attacked me at Olympus when I was going to return the lightning bolt to Zeus!

Jessica - You're lying!

Percy - You're the one lying!

Jessica - I'm not lying!! What did you to me brother, Percy.

I went up to him as he grabbed my arms to stop me from hitting him.

Percy - I couldn't let him attack me without fighting back.

Jessica - Did you kill him?!

Percy - No! What!? I'm not like your brother.

Jessica - You son of a bi--

Grover - Hey! Guys, come on. Break it up.

Percy - Stay out of this, Grover!

I yank my arms back.

Jessica - You better watch your mouth, Percy. Or I swear to--

Percy - Swear to what? God? The gods got nothing to do with you.

Jessica - Too far.

I look at him in disgust.

Percy - I don't ever want to see you again. Just go with you little boyfriend and stay out of my life.

I scoffed and walked away.

Jessica - Nice horns Grover.

I say sadly. He grabbed me.

Grover - Hey..

Jessica - Just leave me alone.

Grover - Dude.

Percy - I don't want to talk about it.

I leave and saw Chris training by himself.

Chris - Hey-- What's wrong?

He hugged me and comforted me.

Jessica Castellan // Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now