Chapter 14

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Jessica - Look, my brother's gonna bring me back up again. When I do. Figure out a way to escape, ok?

Annabeth - You be careful.

Percy - How do you know he's gonna want to talk to you?

Jessica - It's been two years, Percy. Besides, I have to try to convince my brother. Have to follow the God's order.

I sighed sitting down throwing the blanket away from me.

Percy and Annabeth talked but I didn't listen. Tyson was quiet. I kicked the cage and took out a Bobby pin and a metal stick.

I unlocked the door and they didn't notice at all. I snuck into the same level where Luke was and he was playing chess.

Luke - Figured you got out.

Jessica - Luke.

I went to him and hugged him as he did the same.

Luke - I'm sorry for leaving you and never answering your calls.

Jessica - It's fine.

We sat down with the table between us. We play chess.

Luke - Chris has told me some things.

Jessica - And what has he told you?

I cold my arms leaning back on the chair.

Luke - Sister, don't tell me you're falling for him.

Jessica - Chris? No.

Luke - You know who. Percy.

Jessica - No, Annabeth and Percy have a thing.

Luke - Really?

Jessica - No. I'm kidding. No, I only love Percy as a friend.

Luke - Hm.

He looks at me as I made a move.

Jessica - He might as well have taken your spot the past two years for a brother.

Luke - I said I was sorry.

Jessica - Yeah, well, sorry doesn't cut it, Luke.

Luke - Come with me. They're not going to win, Jess.

Jessica - Why Chris.

Luke - He seemed more of your type.

Jessica - You made me fall for someone that was just faking it the entire time. You left me two years, I was with Chris for two years, I find out that Chris was just obeying your orders. I get my heart broken. Oh! And, I meet my dad.

I give him a smile.

Luke - What did dad say?

Jessica - That he was sorry. He didn't mean to hurt me or you. That he's been watching over us ever since. That he loves us. To not be mad at the world and only to him.

Luke - And he couldn't tell me that himself?

Jessica - Well, look what you're doing, Luke! You've only been causing trouble.

I got up from my seat he stayed seated.

Jessica - Its like I don't even have a brother anymore.

I sit back down and he gave me a glass of water.

Jessica - I need to talk to Chris.

Luke - How do I know you're not going to do anything.

Jessica - Then bring him in here.

Luke - Go.

I find Chris alone looking out to the ocean.

Chris - So you got his trust.

Jessica - If it's one thing I know, it's to never double cross my brother. I know him more than you do, Chris.

Chris - What do you want.

Jessica - Why.

Chris - Why what.

Jessica - Drop the games Chris. You know what.

Chris - Because I was getting tired of our parents, the gods to rule this world. It's our time. Just like your brother said.

Jessica - That's not what I what I meant.

Chris looks at me and looked back for he water. I stood beside him.

Chris - Your brother told me to.

Jessica - And you could have said no, Chris.

Chris - Yeah, well. Too late for it all.

I face him to me and put my hand on his cheek.

Jessica - Two years, Chris. Don't tell me you didn't feel anything.

Chris - Stop.

He takes my hand down and backed away walking.

Jessica - Chris!

Chris - What difference does it make, Jessie?

Jessica - Hurt less.

Chris - It's too late to turn back now.

Jessica - Never is too late.

I see the ocean making waves.

Jessica - Percy.

Water was going in the yacht, I slipped and hit my head.

Jessica - Ow.

My hair was soaked with water and my clothes. I get up and held onto the railing as another hard wave came in.

I ran to the brig and slipped again. I laughed my pain off to see Annabeth grabbing onto a backpack. I grabbed the backpack and took out the tape. I did Percy first and Annabeth as Tyson threw up.

Jessica - Tyson, you good?

Tyson - I'm fine.

I get him out.

Jessica - Come on, buddy. We gotta go.

I felt light headed.

Tyson got out as I stood there. Percy stopped and checked up on me.

Percy - Hey, you ok?

I stayed looking down nodding.

Jessica - Go. I'll catch up.

Annabeth - Come on.

Annabeth helped me and we went passing a sea scorpion to get out of the brigs.

Jessica Castellan // Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now