Chapter 9 : Hidden Signature

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Ladybug landed in the alley next to Femme Boutique with the grace of an acrobat, just as her time ran out. Her red and black suit dissolved in a cloud of sparkles, leaving Marinette in her two-piece suit and uncomfortable heels. She smoothed down the pencil skirt, checking for any rips or tears that might've occurred during the fight in the café. Thankfully there were none, but her stockings were wrecked beyond repair. She peeled them off and dumped them in the trashcan, vowing to keep a spare pair in her purse from now on. If Hawkmoth was back, she was going to need to be prepared to fight at a moment's notice.

Tikki zipped up to hover in front of Marinette's face, worry etched in her features.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't get to you sooner, Marinette," she squeaked. "Are you hurt anywhere? Plagg and I came as soon as we sensed your distress."

Marinette cuddled her kwami in her hands and gave her a kiss on her black spot.

"You came at the perfect time. Adrian and I would've been toast if you hadn't been there to help out."

Her eyes widened as she suddenly remembered.

"Adrian! I hope he's okay! I totally forgot about him because Chat appeared out of nowhere to save the day...I have to check if he's okay!" She dug for her phone as Tikki rolled her eyes. It baffled her how her Miraculous holder was both the smartest and dumbest person in the world. If it had been in her power to do so, she would've told Marinette years ago that Adrian Agrest and Chat Noir were one and the same, but the rules that prevented her from telling the secret to any enemies that captured her, also prevented her from telling her master. So now she could only watch as Mariette left a message for Adrian, asking if he was safe, and wonder how much longer she would have to wait until one of them revealed their secret.

"He didn't answer," Marinette reported to Tikki as she hung up. "Hopefully that was the right number, I only have the number he used in high school." Her eyes widened as she stared at the digital readout on her phone. "And now I'm late for work! Can this day get any worse?"

Marinette stuffed her phone in her bag and ran toward the mouth of the alley. Unfortunately she wasn't really looking where she was going and barked her knee on a trashcan as she shot past. She stopped, holding her knee as her face screwed up in pain.

Yes indeed, Tikki sighed to herself as Marinette swore like a sailor. Her Miraculous holder was the smartest and dumbest person in the world.


The bell clanged over the door of Femme Boutique as Marinette rushed in.

"You're late, Miss Dupan-Chang," Miss Simmons greeted her frostily. She was a woman in her late sixties, thin as a Runway model with steel-grey hair twisted into a knot at the back of her head. Her sharp eyes behind wire-rimmed glasses travelled down Marinette, taking in her mused bun, her rumpled skirt, and stockingless legs.

"You look like a ragamuffin." She remarked with a sniff. "Go sort the fabric shipment in the back, out of sight, I'm very busy with an important customer."

"Yes, Miss Simmons," Marinette said meekly, keeping her eyes on the floor and trying to smooth her skirt and hair. She started to scurry obediently to the back of the shop.

"Actually Miss Simmons, I could use some advice from your assistant as well," came a familiar voice. "I'm really hopeless at picking out clothes."

"Adrian?" Marinette gaped as he smiled in her direction. "What are you doing here?" Adrian shrugged.

"I was just passing through," he said innocently, "I liked some of the designs in the window, so I thought I'd check them out."

Marinette glanced at Miss Simmons who was busy collecting an armload of suits and whispered accusingly.

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