Chapter 1.

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~Emma Curtis ch.1~
I laughed as I was being tickled by my brother sodapop.

"Stop!" I yelled. "Soda!" I screamed laughing. He laughed too as he tickled me. He finally stopped.

"That's what you get for eating the last of the chocolate cake." Soda smiled.

"But it was my piece." I giggled. I started running out of his room and he started chasing me.

"Pony!!! Pony!!" I screamed. Pony looked up from his book that he was reading while sitting on the couch with two-bit watching Mickey. Pony started laughing and jumped up and tackled soda. I jumped on two-bits lap.
Two-bit started laughing. Pony and soda were rolling around on the floor wrestling.

"Was a monster chasing you!" Two-bit laughed.

"Yeah, my brothers a greasy monster!" I giggled. Pony and soda laughed. They got up. Darry came in the room.

"Soda you better get ready for work!" Darry said sternly. Soda got ready and Steve came in.

"Hey hobos!" He waved. Soda came out of his room.

"Soda can I please come to work with you today!" I said sweetly.

"Sure, let's go monkey face." He smiled. I ran out the door to the truck. I reached up as far as I could and pulled the door open with the handle. Our truck was high of the ground so someone always had to lift me up to the seat. I was determined to get in my myself. I put my hands on the seat and clutched it as I tried to pull myself up. I got my right foot up to the floor of the truck but my left foot was still dangling as I was trying to get it up. I heard soda and Steve laughing. Soda grabbed me and put me down on the seat.

"A for effort!" he said laughing. I gave him a high five as I giggled. We drove off to the DX and Darry dropped us off. I hoped down and I followed soda to the pumps.

"Soda what are we gonna do!?" I asked cheerfully.

"You can say hi to the costumers than I will help them." He said. A costumer pulled up. He said something to soda and soda said

"okay" I walked up to the window were the man was.

"Hi!" I said cheerfully.

"Hello there" he said back.

"How are you!?" I asked. sweetly.

"Well I'm really good!" The man laughed.

"I'm Emma!! I'm here with my brother soda!" I pointed.

"It's all done." Soda smiled.

"Alright thanks, bye bye Emma!" He laughed and waved.

"Bye!!" I yelled as he pulled off.

"Good job Em!" Soda leaned down to hug me.
Time went on and I chatted with everybody who pulled up. They all laughed and smiled. I saw a girl walk up to the pumps looking around. Soda saw her and walked up to her. They were chatting. I walked up to them beside soda.

"Hi!!" I waved. She and soda looked down at me. Soda laughed.

"Sandy this is my sister." Soda picked me up.

"I'm Emma!" I said. Soda smiled.

"Em this is my girlfriend sandy." I smiled at her.

"Hi" she said.

"Soda car!" I yelled. He laughed and put me down sandy stared to say something as we walked away. After the car left. Soda hugged me. Sandy came walking over.

"Do you want me to take you inside for some icecream?" She asked me.

"Ok" I said. I was going to the building when sandy grabbed my hand and pulled me behind it.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Look I need you to back away from soda, he loves me not you." She said in my face.

"But he's my brother." I said softly.

"I don't care, I have all his attention!" sandy yelled. And back me into the wall.

"Soda!" I cried. I slipped under sandy's arms and started running to soda.

"Soda!!" I yelled again. I saw soda come out from behind the pumps. I ran up and wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. I was scared.

"Em what's wrong?" Soda asked.

"Help soda" I whispered. I heard sandy's voice.

"Emma what's wrong I got your icecream?" I turned around and she had ice cream in her hand.

"Em tell me what happened." Soda said softly, putting his hand on my head. I looked at sandy and she gave me a death glare.
I hope you guys like the first chapter!

Emma CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now