Chapter 15.

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**newspaper article**

Dallas Winston a former delinquent with a police record, assaults a police officer last night. Security cameras cought this boy beating a police officer who was trying to take in a young girl. Earlier that day Dallas Winston was caught stealing from a store with the girl. The policeman tried to take the girl to ask her questions about Dallas Winston. In the tapes it shows Dallas Winston saying 'were leaving'. Dallas Winston and the girl have not been caught or found. If anybody sees him please contact the police immediately.

Pony's POV.

"Soda what does it say?" Darry asked. Soda looked confused but real worried. He didn't say anything just passed it to me.

"Wanted!?" I read.

"Who?" Darry gulped.

"Dallas" soda blurted out.

"Darry" I gulped reading the article.
"In the tapes it shows Dallas Winston saying 'were leaving.' Dallas Winston and the girl have not been caught or found... Darry They left somewhere!"
Tears ran down sodas checks but he quickly wiped them. Darry had his hands in his face.

"Don't worry she'll be home soon" two-bit said trying to cheer us up.

Emma's POV.
I giggled silently as I spread jam over dallys face. I was real upset and I needed something to cheer me up. I put more jam on my finger and did the other side of Dally's jam moustache. I finish and lay back down pretending to be asleep. I heard dally yawn and I smiled holding in my laughter.

"Huh?" I heard him say.
"What the hell is on my face!?"

I couldn't help but burst out laughing. "You son of a..." Dally went on calling me every word in the book.

I screamed and ran away from dally chasing me.

"I'm gonna kill you!"

I dropped to the ground laughing so hard, Dally ran up and tackled me.

"I'm sorry" I giggled.

Bobs POV.

"Hey Randy!" I said.

"What?" He asked.

"Looks whats on the front of the paper." I said handing him the newspaper.

"Hey guys!!" Randy called the rest of the guys over. They all ran up and started laughing as they read the paper.

"Looks like those greasers are taken care if once and for all" I smirked.

"Damn right" Randy laughed.

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